
In all seriousness, here is what I think happened to Mistubishi-

As someone whose office just got renovated recently to a more “open concept”, it’s really not as good as a lot of people want to think.  I do like that we actually refreshed the interior to a cohesive theme instead of the years and years of additions and moved walls and mismatched carpet, but open concept means you

I’ve always liked this iteration since seeing the president of a company I used to work for drove his daily and parked it among us pleebs. A luxury sedan that’s really a stealth sports sedan, an expensive wolf in sheep’s clothing. The president was more an airplane enthusiast than a car enthusiast, he even confided in

I agree. Peak Maser in the mid 2000s I say. The QP with the ZF auto is actually fairly reliable, no major issues.

Hey, as an STI owner, i take offence to this extremely accurate comment.

Pouring out a box of head gaskets, ringlands, and a bottle of coolant in memorium.

No, it’s like golf, the most evil of all sports. It goes:

Width is always more important than length. As my father once said(to my horror):

To address your concerns:
1) EV infrastructure is 90% there in form of the grid, chargers themselves are cheap and it should be noted you can use ANY outlet to charge an EV (though some outlets would be slower charging than others).

I dunno, sounds like that person needs to be told that suicide is painless.

Going from V12 to 12V? Now that’s a switcheroo.

I had to scroll down far too much before I saw “The Car”. Evil incarnate aside, this is the one right answer!

Discreet, good on all terrains, enough power to outrun scavvers...

Turbo Interceptor. The movie doesn’t really delve into whether the car will keep you alive, or if your own survival is dependent on you being supernatural yourself. It is implied when Jake/Jaime hands the keys to Billy that the car might protect him. (Although “Take care of it” is a strange request about a car that

This is like the military hardware version of when I’m shopping online for something, like a Dremel bit set, and I go on eBay only to find someone in China who will sell me a Drumel bit set for 1/5 the cost of the real thing, but it takes 5 weeks to get to me and when it shows up it’s wrapped in packaging and oil that

Everything depends upon how good the battery management software (BMS) and cooling systems are.

Must be a current owner or lessee of a Ford Mustang for at least 30 days prior to purchase.”

Hm. Buy this, go to chevy dealer = profit.

And then: There are too many cars.