
Why has no one swapped the current turbo 4 into one of these third gens? it’d be a hell of a sleeper and a terror on an autocross course with the right suspension.

It must be crippling to have the level of insecurity it takes to think a spouse’s old phone reflects poorly on yourself.

I see everyone’s fixated on the vanilla frosties and booked hours. I’m offended that they used his car to drive in a non-testing manner. I was at a red light when a Mustang GT swooped into the intersection and drifted right into the curb. Wheel bent a few degrees and still driveable. A Ford technician steps out, goes

I’ll give you your points regarding overcharging/pricing/etc.

I keep waiting for the day when I’ll have to stop working hard at having fun and get a real job. Luckily, today is not that day.


Congratulations, Mr. Rusty Starship, on COTD! I would like to gift you with a Toyota Supra which this lovely lady will deliver when she finishes praising Jalopnik.

Now playing

These 1980s cars are amazing. Check them all out in these video overviews.

The thing most people don’t realize is that the common sense solutions aren’t so common sense, they require education that a huge slice of society isn’t getting. And, that just because someone is ignorant doesn’t mean that it should be legal to prey on them.

A guy runs a siding sales business. He drives around selling siding to folks.

The commodore has been a best-seller in Australia for decades. The problem is that GM only ever half-ass committed to it here. If they adopted the RWD platform for the remainder of their car lineup, things might have turned out differently.

Dodge has been doing well in offering models calling back their muscle car heyday lately. Maybe it’s time for Chevy to bring the Impala back to its roots. Make it a successor to the SS with the Impala name and muscle car styling cues.

The only way to forget the Sienna is if Toyota wises up and brings over the Alphard or Vellfire. I would buy one.

I’ve had a fully loaded one for 3 months (as a rental but still) and I think it’s a great car for what it is: big, comfortable, not too fancy and no pretensions of being sporty, but the thing just eats miles and is nice to hop into after a long day. I may buy one.

They had a hard time getting a dummy to crash test these cars.

Note to self, if wife brings home an Escape or Outlander Sport it may be a sign I have outlived my usefulness.

Good work! And mow for another quarter million miles or so :)

In an era of the Japanese building their unbreakable engine, some engineer was hit by a bus and an accountant decided on plastic timing chain guides....

  1. Setting aside for a moment how blasphemous it would be to fill a brand-new Porsche with grubby, grimy little larva-people, is it actually feasible as a family-hauler?

Holy crap this is an awesome GIF!!! Trunk-mounted helium balloons should be a feature on all cars. It’s almost like - you just hit me but lets relax and have a laugh with my festive balloons.