
I’m thinking about this far too rationally, because I just don’t see the value here unless you have a LaFerrari in need of an engine. There are too many better and cheaper ways to put 789 hp into your batshit project. Is this really $350,000 worth of “not another LS”?

You mad, bro?

Wouldn’t be a Yugo anymore. It would be a Yugone.

Volvo’s 8-speed automatic. The rear electric motors use a planetary transmission.

Yeah, let’s blame it on those pesky millenials! Let’s not blame it on a range of motorcycles where the lightest weighs as much as the Death Star, the cheapest is still fucking expensive, the most powerful couldn’t pull the dick off a chocolate mouse, the most sporty has the dynamic prowess of a bag of shot badgers and

Neutral: Would You Buy A New Harley If You Had The Money?

I have a decent group of friends... i tend to be the main car guy.. but you know who is number 2? yeah you guessed it, a human with a vagina... Hell we had an argument the other day on whos a better Moto GP rider....

Dear lord, how do these cavemen even still exist? A woman is running GM, some of the brightest / longest serving automotive analysts are women (Maryann Keller, Michelle Krebs), this blog has 3 I can name off the top of my head (Lee, Schrader, King). And even on Silicon Valley, the women are the smartest (Lori), the

I also came from a vagina.

Going by the release date of the movie “Jules” was first.

It’s AMAZING to me how dumb the American auto industry is when it comes to learning from the past. We see this cycle over and over. Gas is relatively cheap, people don’t want small cars, so the big 3 make bank selling trucks and SUVs. They then think they don’t need small cars and either stop making them or let them

Thats a double-edged sword, though.

It skews that whole supply:demand thing and the market will eventually correct. It may take one of the Big 2.5 to finally collapse but it will eventually happen.

An “Engineers” union has been a running joke for a long time. But I’m not sure it would accomplish much.

As an Engineer in the Auto Industry - I can confirm this.

Yup. The union needs these jobs to keep the $ coming into the retirement fund...which is gigantic. Union, public or private, pension funds are enormous financial entities and people wonder how they have so much political pull. Power on Wall St. and the voting booth.

It depends on the yogurt. If it is delicious frozen yogurt, fuck that guy. If he can get the horrible greek yogurt (I realize this is a hot take, but don’t care) off the shelves to power a time machine, potentially.

As a 2008 Astra XR owner, where do I even begin?