
Former car salescritter here, eventually became an F&I guy, sales manager, and GSM. What follows should be considered well-informed opinion...

This is super easy.

I had a professor in college who, once or twice a semester, would have one of his classes over for a dinner party, where the only rule was not discussing class. When I went to one of these, I used the facilities, and realized that he had wallpapered his entire bathroom with...rejection letters from editors. He had

I would like to thank all of my fans who voted for me and everyone here at the Academy for this honor. I have toiled away diligently in the industry in bit parts so to be able to be up here now is really special. It was also some luck for being in the right article at the right time to strike while the iron was hot(no

That’s what happens when someone forgets to lock the dieselgate.

Hi all! I’m just here to watch people say incredibly shitty things to one another over their choice of phone.

Meh. Between the shitty players, the dumb online tournaments, the fact that they made everything expensive to force you to buy their stupid Rockstar money, I’ve stopped fucking with GTA online. At this point I’m thoroughly convinced that they keep doing updates to avoid giving us a proper DLC, WHICH I WOULD RATHER

Yea and add in awd to control all of it. C’mon Toyota, you did it once for the RAV4 (albeit with 4wd and no MT option).

They should engineer a way to fit the Camry V6 in there with some suspension/braking goodies... sell it for 30K (under focus, GTI, civic price points...) with a manual. Would be... God forbid... fun. Even 220hp 4cyl might suffice at $26k. 140hp is pathetic.

Allow me to explain. The WP-3D Orion aircraft used by NOAA are large and robust planes with enough thrust from their 4 turbo-prop engines to carry the enormous balls possessed by the hurricane hunter crew.

His mom is a total NP.

Sounds like your mom.

Remember kids, even if a global nuclear war kills 99% of the population, that still leaves 75 million people left alive. One of those could be you!*

A torrent of moist Miatas...

Don’t come storming in here with your doom and gloom

I don’t know, seems like a washed up idea.

3rd Gear: How Hurricane Harvey Will Affect Car Sales

And you’ll still have $755 million left for flight training, maintenance and fuel.

The resulting risk of this is that the oil could spray onto the windshield, thus impairing vision

Godzilla never dies.