
Jesus is at the wheel, so no need for them to drive.

Literally every car in the left lane, directly in front of me.

And....every single one of them has the rear wiper stuck at 11 or 1 o’clock because the motor goes bad....every one!

Jeep. Wrangler.

Everyone on this page should respond with:

But He loves you! And He NEEDS MONEY!

His most successful tunnelling endeavour to date

You know, I hope you’re right in your skepticism. I hope that everything will be fine.

>I can’t speak for all of them, but I have a few friends at the >factory and they are all putting in about 60-70+ hours/week.<

We are Froot.

Fuck those godamn things in HL2.

I’ll die as I lived — wildly swinging a crowbar.

This is awful. They could close the doors, trap an Alfa in there and an hour later the poor driver would be completely unprotected by any metal bodywork.

Bruh. It’s too possible to not be true.

Guys, Guys...what if Trump just ran for President so Cadillac would make him another limo?

Microtransactions don’t bother me. Cosmetic items don’t bother me. What bothers me is tying game extras to randomized systems that then give you the option to pay for them. That’s gambling and it’s bullshit, no matter who’s doing it.

Yadda-yadda? On that quote? Mr. Spock would like a word with you. This is most illogical.

That thing probably has all the structural rigidity of a box of donuts.