
Yeah, you’re still an idiot.

Why not both?

Why are they announcing DLC characters when they haven’t even released the full regular roster yet? The known roster is the smallest of all the Marvel vs Capcom games going the whole way back to Marvel vs Street Fighter.

There’s only so much from the initial article he referenced that he can copy before running aground of plagiarism, but if you skip down to the bottom, it covers that.

This argument is a logical fallacy. Yes, it’s two different items in the tax code, but you are still only being effectively taxed less than once. The capital gains tax only taxes capital gains, not principal; hence the name. So no individual dollar has been taxed more than once.

The USS Millicent Kent is a big woman and she makes a lot of noise and that’s okay.

Jim Troeltsch is still just lurking around the lower rungs of the Pro Tennis circuit just trying to get that break into sportscasting.

I sometimes sing into my roommate’s hairbrush because buying my own would require effort.

These people genuinely terrify me. I am seriously convinced that the majority of these “people” on these home & garden shows are fucking pod-people or something. Look at those eyes and the teeth and the... EVERYTHING man! Fuck. I have had nightmares about being abducted by The Property Brothers and being replaced by a

Y’know if anyone can take it, it’s probably Steve Ballmer. I think Jeff Ross and Andrew Dice Clay could probably tag-team Steve Ballmer to his face and he would probably love it.

Thank you for doing God’s work.

I saw this floating around the Interwebs.

I have to respect him for not doing that. I don’t want the NHL to start acting like some of those European soccer leagues where they keel over every time someone farts in their general direction to try and draw a card. Tons of respect for the guy, especially for getting back in the game in the next period after they

Pushing the other guys stick to make him own-goal. Delicious.

Now playing

Ladies and gentlemen, your 2017 Washington Choke-Artists. It took the winner of the President’s Trophy over 40 shots to get 3 goals on a wild card team that made the playoffs by one point. In Game 1! If they keep this up, Lifetime is going to make a squeal to The Choking Game.

I got a minute in and I heard some nonsense about how all women claim to be good a Mario Kart 64.

This makes so much more sense now.

I think discussing it is breaking kayfabe, but the NBA really only enforces the rules when the violation is untelegenic.

This is clearly not a person with great on the spot decision making skills.