
One: America is harassing Mexicans on lands it annexed from Mexico.

But what about Sovereign Immunity because reasons... and tradition! Please won’t someone think about the traditions!

It’s like someone doing a parody of Melisa McCarthy doing a parody of Spicey. I don’t know where we go from here.

Yeah, I guess. I don’t know how the Supreme Court could be further right than a bench that had Renquest and Scalia on it, but I’m sure they will find a way. It’s also not just that that the politics of The House has changed, it’s that a fuck-ton of them are jabronies now. Like, there’s politics and then there’s

Petty is still petty even if you rebrand it.

both cited a desire to standardize basic things like job titles, severance pay, and layoff procedures, and to improve communication within the company and create formal channels for internal feedback as motivating factors.

I remember what I felt like in 2009. It’s not that I was excited about Obama, just that I was glad that W. was gone. Sure the brewing financial crisis seemed bad, but after the existential dread that was 9/11 and Afghanistan and Iraq and everything else, it felt doable.

“An apology, I don’t think so. I don’t think that’s necessary. The apology is all that’s occurred since then.”

I bet he’s an early pick for Eschaton.

An American once casually told me about the one time that they got out of jury duty. Apparently the defendant in the trial was Black, and so they were asked if they had any racial bias against Black people that would prevent them from being impartial, and this person said yes and explained all the various ways they

Maybe real freedom and real equality is to be able to make bad decisions and have the comperable consequences.

Nobody deserves to die, but we’re all going to anyways. All of our choices, good or bad, have potential costs that we should accept to pay. He made morally reprehensible choices, and he has paid a price for them; both in his death and the public ambivalence to it. I feel no remorse for him. His family did not make

Is Pauly Shore on this jury? What is wrong with people?

I can’t find the clip, but this remined me of this one exchange from The West Wing:

If you are going to do the thing where have two beings merge into one unified consiousness and have the original voices speak in unison, HAVE THEM FUCKING MATCH INFLECTION! That was so painful to listen to. It sounded like two people doing a shitty page reading in unison without any direction. Oh wait...

Now playing

Watch Touch the Skyrim from Nick & Griffin at Polygon and tell me that how Skyrim mod production and distribution model needs to be corrected.

No, seriously even smaller, and they had brass rims the whole way around the lenses. Also, the lenses where completely opaque black and the outer frame came out into three tines that ran parallel, bent 90 degrees and connected to the top, middle, and bottom of the lenses.

“the destructive tale of a man’s obsession as you explore his digitally recreated memories.”