This mouthbreether doesn’t own a tan jacket? I know brown isn’t in right now but you’re a goddamn billionare; you don’t have a single sandstone blazer in the black of the closet somewhere? You only packed a navy suit to go to IRAQ? What a dumbfuck.
This woman’s name is Jennifer. I may have met her before; I can’t be certain because there a million blonde white chicks that look exactly like this in Pittsburgh, and they are all named Jennifer.
That’s kinda why I purposefully phrased it as an “inherent difficulty” rather than “general inability”. I also think that calling Paul Ryan a sociopath is a disservice to sociopaths. I think Paul Ryan is just exceptional in being your garden variety jagoff but in a clinically pathological manner.
It’s kinda weird when you think about it. One of the major symptoms of autsim is an inherent difficulty empathizing with others. However, every autistic person I’ve ever met is objectively more empathetic than Paul Ryan or Mike Pence or just about any other elected Republican. If autism is a pathology, then what is up…
“Women, children, and men have inherent dignity that should never be violated.”
Counter take: Live hard, drink harder, sit at the bar and wear your black and gold. It’s just that easy.
He’s probably too busy complaining about having to pass homeless people on his way to whatever fine dining establishment on E Carson St. he stuffed his fat face at last night to care about sports anymore.
“To the non-LGBTQ respondents, we ask on a scale how uncomfortable they feel about ‘people who are exploring or questioning their sexual orientation,’” GLAAD representative Matt Goodman tells Broadly. “The average of that response was just over 31 percent feeling ‘very comfortable’ or ‘somewhat uncomfortable’…
Listen, I’m just to busy to think about my ideologies and take them to their logical fucking conclusion. I’ve got to go get the oil changed in my car, take my kid to their orthodoinst, and plan my trip to Thailand so I can sexually exploit their teenage population.
I’ve been through Atlanta a few times. It’s like they want the place to burn to the ground. Every office and apartment complex in Atlanta has dry pine needle landscaping around it. Refreshed constantly. Litterally every other month a landscaping crew shows up and scatters fresh kindling around each builing.
If this is what it takes to make sure that the weights get reracked properly, then okay.
Tangential question. I understand why America has a bicameral legislator, but why do most of the individual states like Arkansas? What does having a House and a Senate get you at the state level?
I may be a certifiably insane anal-rententive psycopath that will instantly spiral into a sucicidal depression if my mashpotaoes make even the slightest contact with anything else on my plate; but at least I’m not a religious wacknut like Mike Pence. Seriously, how hard is it to treat a woman like a person? How hard…
It’s the hair of someone that cares more about looking hetero than looking good.
There is just so much going on in this that I want baroque painting of it. The ref, the dunk, the entire Pistons bench wide-eyed like they just witnessed the next 9/11. It’s all so delicious.