
It means the quality of American education has reached new lows.

More of a whore hound really.


These groups never fare well whentheir rock is lifted.

You should check out the Impulsivebuy blog. I get all my new and weird shit news from there.

Larry the Cable guy’s food line actually has biscuits and gravy. My wife brought them home for me. I’m not real sure what horrible fucking thing I did to deserve them. Maybe I need to up the sexy time goodies more often so I can show her I’m worthy of Doritos, or at least Wise ffs.

It’s Saltine American you racist bastards!!

Yes actually someone is. They suck too. They have had lawyers all along. 3 lawyers AND a guardian ad litem. Now there is some mess with another lawyer from NY Jennifer Hoult.

You’re awful butthurt about something that h as zero to do with you or your circumstances.

They make shit up and you damn well know it if you’ve been there 13 years.

You’re dead wrong.

Even after hiring a PR guy for HIMSELF he doesn’t advocate the kids be let out.

I don’t understand why you’re too stupid to grasp the fact that we are siding with the kids

Guns aren’t as dangerous as idiots are. Maybe we should enact idiot controls...

Kids bound to be far more disappointed when he meets his mother who is a mouth breathing bucket of hipocritical attention whore.

If I give her the $49 back can the Internet shut up about this self important bitch who seems terminally butt hurt about pretty much everything?

You have maligned the noble corn dog madam and I demand you issue an apology immediately.

I understand like none of this. I am heartened by the fact that someone was pretending uhm I mean identifying as black to get further ahead in an industry that ISN’T the music industry.


Responded to an earlier comment of yours but, you’re wrong. White folks have the 4c.