Many many MANY only enlist to pay for college or because they can’t get a goddamn job.
Many many MANY only enlist to pay for college or because they can’t get a goddamn job.
If you’ve got the cash and the desire, why not?
+1 to that.
Boob cancer is a BFD. The fact that it gets more press than other cancers is because it fucks with so many of us.
100% Agree
This is actually really really uhm common . Usually we head over to the Vero Beach power plant to watch them snuggle up.
She’s one of a very few artists these days that doesn’t need auto tune. Many of her “peers” sound like a cat fucking a cactus without AT.
Meh. Not impressed. Repetitive and boring half way through.
In theory I agree.
No. He put his life on hold and took ENOURMOUS amounts of abuse and bullshit to abide by his wife’s wishes.
Agreed. That bit of video with Terri smiling at the balloon made me want to beat the living hell out out of someone. The whole ordeal was a horror. Seemingly unending horror.
I swear to Jeebus I thought that was Bill Cosby in drag. Is that legit Aretha Franklin?!
Messengers often get the shit end o’the stick. Especially when embarrassment and envy are involved.
Well, you seem pretty ignorant. My wife works in HSE and has all so many certifications and training she’s got a fucking alphabet after her name. Our “laborers” are WELL looked after. They have far more protections and methods of recourse than pro players do. Certain companies and individuals may violate or half ass…
Unethical and illegal are not the same thing...