
I’m white (Irish and Cuban) but I’ve got “black hair” JFC my childhood was a misery because of it. I was never a girly girl and I turned out to be a homo to no ones great surprise and I was just not equipped to handle the hair nature gave me with any sort of skill or ability. I wore hats a lot.

Wow. I seriously want to punch the Steve and Bonnie bakery bitch right in the fucking mouth.

At first I was like that’s some terrible work on those arrows. “Oh noes a couple of arrows has landed in my general proximitys. I r teh deadness : (“

I remember looking at water pics after a bio class on how the girly bits work and damning engineer’s to hell for not having crafted a vaginal version.

I deeply regret reading the comments section.

I’ve been asking that for years. Nasty bitches pee everywhere then walk off talking about how the bathroom is disgusting. It’s hard to resist dragging them back and rubbing their nose in the putrid they left behind.

You’re not alone. One of my very first gay WTF moments was dancing with what I had ascertained was a female of lesbian proportions and finding a bulge.

As a misanthrope with a shy bladder and a very gay gayness ( wear a dress to look like a “girl” and blend people give me “why is that dyke in a dress?” face all day kinsa gay) I still desire to know what the hell these people do in the bathroom that’s so damn exciting I must look. I look away when my dog takes a dump,

Well I guess it is kind of “naturally” because damned if someone isn’t telling us math is a guy thing from go.

May the community property laws be with you.

Uhm this just seems like someone has some issues with their own appearance.

You lost me at the Murell story this week Pinkham. I like to see a good “Eff You” given to a deserving douche canoe but poisonings are well beyond acceptable.

Pimping the kids out on TLC WILL be the root cause of the inevitable Duggar demise.

Not really. It barely registers actually when you have seen Fuckabee standing next to Ted “Well, I don’t care if you’re just 13 / You look too good to be true.” it’s not pedophilia if her parents say its ok butt Nugget draft dodging Nugent.

Any ideas what these Duggar type folks are doing in the public bathroom? I mean as a lesbian I go in tinkle wipe wash and GTFO. I can manage this with a man, woman, child, dog, chicken or small donkey (but not a cat) in the same general area because my little stall kingdom shields me. Short of the pee pee dance during

Do you sell monogrammed thermoses as well?

Yeah it’s a little freaky to realize pineapple is eating YOU.

Sounds like a Paula Dean appetizer

He molested his own damn sister....I’m going to go puke now.

If a guy cries or wants to be a stay at home dad he’s a “fag” or a “pussy” then everyone grabs a sign and heads out to scream obscenities about violent male rape culture. Make up your damn mind.