
We have 4, all of them love bed making time.

Honey I boinked your daddy. Full on hard core rump ranging occurred. Just thought you should know, love you poopsikins!!


Special seating is obviously needed

Female Transgendered lesbian air marshalls on the rag.

People please, NO HONEYMOON CRUISES. EVER!!!!!! 1ONE1!

Nowhere in Florida.

Thank you for this. People start looking at me like I'm a complete dumbass when I say I hate Dasani. It's like...greasy or something. It's disgusting and gives me the heaves.

Tell them. Tell them, tell them telllll them. Shoot 'em an email or stop by. It doesn't have to be a big deal. I have a couple conditions that leave my immunity levels at utterly shitty I'm also allergic to all kinds of shit. It doesn't take much. When I DO run into an issue, I have to mention it because not

Someone get popcorn santa a monogrammed thermos !

I think I'm in love with Callie Rossmeyer

“Can’t get laid” is not an act of bravery.

If they could get someone to practice with them they wouldn’t be celibate.

Well when no one else will fuck you, Jeebus is the answer.

Your BiL is a moron. If you don't want your face blown off find a REAL instructor.

Maybe if you're not interested in Biographies or Andrews. "Home" was pretty good. Exciting? Not really. I don't exactly *squee* over celebrity, if I ever saw Andrews up close I probably wouldn't care much. I did however look up how long I'd be locked up if I found the surgeon that fucked up her vocal cords and

Ohh somebody is going to scoop up all 3 and reboot.

This dumb bitch has vastly over estimated her popularity.

Are you an actual Floridian or a transplant?