
I suppose anything is possible, but when has the show ever been able to leave something like this to the imagination? Has anyone ever died off-screen and then disappeared with no zombie or corpse? We eventually got to see Zombie Sophia. Pretty much everyone else who disappears (Merle, Lenny James, the Governor,

That seems quite plausible. I don't think anyone else on the bus even has a name, so they are collectively a very good candidate to die in mass.

The actress is 28. I am pretty sure the character is supposed to be a teenager- for some reason I want to say she is 17, but that could be wrong. Typical absurd TV casting. I wasn't actually suggesting the characters are going to bang, that seems pretty unlikely, for a variety of reasons.

Of the various random groupings of survivors thrown together at the end of this episode, I think I am looking forward to Daryl and Beth the most. This could be a fun odd couple. She can sing Tom Waits songs while he shoots things in the head with his crossbow, which would actually be fitting.

I wasn't sure what to make of the blood. If we're taking that as a major clue, Bob was just shot through the upper torso, so is probably bleeding pretty heavily. That would point to Sasha and/or Maggie.

I think pretty much everyone agrees Judith isn't dead. So where do we think she is? As far as I can tell from Rick's group there are 6 sets of survivors: The Bus (with Glenn being the only important character on it), Sasha/Bob/Maggie, Daryl/Beth, Rick/Carl, Tyrese and the 4 kids, and Michonne. Additionally, it

Thanks, I figured there was supposed to be a connection, but I couldn't specifically remember them on screen together. I figured those weird looks they gave each other were acknowledgment of recognition, but who knows with cryptic looks? Should be fun.

I think the whole Harrow is no longer an effective killer thing was supposed to be set up by his trip to the midwest earlier in the season. Remember, he couldn't shoot the dog, and he let one of the guys he was supposed to execute live. He also lost a fight (granted to two guys) before his sister came in and saved

Someone with a better memory of the first two seasons- Did Eli and Van Alden ever interact when Van Alden was a prohibition agent? I feel like they must have, but I can't specifically remember it. Point being, Eli has to recognize Van Alden and know that he isn't "Mueller", right? I am pretty sure the Capones don't

Yep. He couldn't just shut up?

This is one of the problems with creators over-explaining their work. Dramatically, I totally agree with your interpretation. Unfortunately, the show runner chose to go public last week and say explicitly that Carrie was in on it from the beginning, which makes NO SENSE.

I am not suggesting it should. I have no idea if these are real positions (aside from CIA Director, which is totally fake), and I don't really care. What I care about is whether the show is internally consistent. Saul seems to have jumped at least two levels, maybe more, and they never explained how or why, or even

Serious question: Was it ever previously established that Saul is the Acting CIA Director? Because I have found the existence, or non-existence, of the CIA Director puzzling throughout the entire run of the show. Here's the thing- David Estes was NOT the CIA Director. In the entire first two seasons, we never see