
He knows how he comes off, but he believes that *most* people are far beneath his own intellectual, physical and emotional capabilities. He believes he has a superior read on things. And in his world view, being what *we* call “douchtastic,” is a good thing because he equates our view of him that way as indicating

GUYS - The story isn’t that Pruitt was confirmed. The story is that Pruitt was confirmed days before there’s going to be a 3000 email dump of his departments communications with Big Oil. He was been withholding public requests for documents illegally for years. A judge demanded he release them and the fucking congress

One time, I forgot about a presentation I had in fourth grade. I didn’t research or read anything. Totally forgot about it for weeks. I did my best to wing it, but I only fooled the other idiot kids in the room, not my teacher. Every time Trump speaks, I hear that presentation.

I dated a guy who used to run in front of me to grab the door. If I had reached the door first, he wouldn’t walk through it. I can hold your fucking door too. We’re equal.

As an interventional radiologist part of my expertise is the maintenance and restoration of vascular dialysis accesss. You should be absolutely ashamed for writing this article, it is unbelievably misleading to those that may not know the intricacies of vascular dialysis access and who may not be familiar with the

It strikes me that it is possible that this administration is not using data or evidence for their decisions, policies, and EO’s. That is truly shocking. <s>

Oh jesus christ, of all places, can you guys not rag on Bernie like he was the bad guy in any of this? The age of being anti-Bernie Bro is well past us. Perhaps if everybody wasn’t so anti in the first place we wouldn’t be in this fucking mess of an administration right now.

I think a lot of stuff like this happened under Obama as well (maybe more drone strikes and fewer raids?). But I also think that it’s going to get far, far worse under Donald. He’s so concerned with seeming tough, and has so little capacity to make good careful decisions and so little concern for other people

I mean, on top of the later revelations about the EO being totally unconstitutional, here’s what I’ve been posting repeatedly to try and give actual numbers to the people who think they are in support of something like this:

Not only is this racist and unconstitutional, but it invalidates its own argument about being against terror. Iran fucking hates ISIL with the fire of a thousand suns. Iranian newspapers regularly refer to ISIL as a terror group and upper level leaders have criticized ISIL. Not to mention the whole Shia Sunni clash,

The cost of American goods will go up. If everyone’s selling avocados for $1.00 and then suddenly Mexican avocados are $2.00 well guess what American farmers are about to sell their avocados for...$1.99.


Also, I’m getting more than tired of hearing him and Kellyanne Conway act like they had some huge popular victory. All of this “They don’t understand this country. They still do not understand why Donald Trump is the president of the United States.” and “They didn’t see us coming.” bullshit.

You think they eat lettuce?

Littering is not punishable by battery. A ‘choke’ can last a second and does not require medical attention for it to exist. The fact that all of these things are necessary for YOU to consider that they might have happened, while instead siding with an officer with a history of excessive force and lying on official

Head stuck in her tube toy.

I don’t think a reasonable person would expect a shooting president to micromanage who can tweet or not. If any other president had done something this petty on Day 1, we’d hear about it for at least 4 years. This is some childish bullshit.

Yes. Also, Michelle is allowed to have more emotions than just love for Barack (although obviously important). She’s allowed to poke at him, mock his dancing, display displeasure, and basically, be a fucking human being. All Melania’s allowed to do is say how amazing her husband is, how the media hates them, and wear

I’m with you. This man inherited the worst economy, terrible job numbers and a congress that was dead-set on giving him any credit or any help fixing it.