Ocean Sage

Who ever could have imagined that someone on a television show that delivers several hours of inane chatter per day from a litany of obnoxious, uninformed people, would end up saying something stupid?

I’ll be the first to shamefully admit I’ve never watched The Osbournes, but you don’t really get your own reality show by being a well-adjusted member of society with a healthy respect for other people.

aren’t ALL right-leaning male “personalities” incels at heart? I can’t think of one where I thought, that guy seems to really respect women.


Well, after this, I can tell you who DOESN’T like Piers Morgan (It is Megan Markle. And also all decent people)

Horrible people, I assume. And the world is certainly full of such people, so...

Ah yes. Piers Morgan truly has the right to act huffy because someone made “personal attacks” against him. I cannot understand where someone would get the idea that such behavior was acceptable on his show! 

I don’t think Piers Morgan likes himself that much either, but I’m guessing media executives like having someone on air who perfectly represents their views.

Why is Piers Morgan still employed? Who likes him?

Ahhh... so he’s an incel too. Good to know.

After watching this film I noticed “Richard Fleischer” as director. It made sense-the editing remided me of “Fantastic Voyage”, a very underrated sci-fi not-yet classic that he also directed.

The denialism.  Running into people who would insist that covid was overblown because, believe it or not, there are other diseases that kill a lot of people too.  Or that hurting the economy is worse than the disease.  Or that the vaccine is going to be worse than the disease. 

where’s the anykey?

*attempting to muster sympathy for a woman who let herself get seduced by Martin Goddamn Shkreli*

To be fair, nobody’s better at being that than Miranda July.

It’s almost 2021 and we’re still doing this crappy slideshow thing? Cool.

Seconded. I can’t speak to most of the other films, but I did see Emma. It is a perfect movie. Scripted, cast, designed, acted, directed, edited, etc. with aplomb and glee.

How was it important? Are you implying that people saw Rudy digitally pleasuring himself and decided at that point they couldn’t continue to support Trump? The film was certainly good and effectively skewered who they intended to skewer, but I doubt it changed anyone’s mind or affected the election one way or another.

Really enjoyed Another Round. The premise doesn’t sound very interesting on paper — four middle aged guys go an an alcohol-fueled bender to try and recapture their youthful spirit — and if it were an American movie it would probably be a comedy featuring Ed Helms. But no, instead it’s a celebration of life and loss

Kajillionaire looks twee as fuck.