Ocean Sage

Yeah, if you’re going to make this movie you just gotta go all-in. 

I was shocked at how reactionary that Michael Bay COVID movie looks when I saw the trailer. Obviously he’s not a master of subtlety or a director whose movies have a particularly progressive message, but “leaving COVID quarantine gets you shot on sight by the government” is fucking bananas, well-to-the-right-of-Fox-New

I’m excited for it too, probably the most out of everything on the list. Also Mulligan looks like she’ll be a fucking force in it.

It’s all in the execution, but based on the trailer I think Promising Young Woman looks really interesting - I *love* the title they chose, and there’s a lot of catharsis to be mined from that subject.

Is Godmothered not just Elf with a bit of Enchanted thrown in. 

Pre-code Hollywood can be uncomfortably brutal but this one really got to me on a visceral level. The unrelentingly cold, cruel tone just permeates every frame of the movie like a disease. I find this film much creepier than any of Todd Browning & Lon Chaney’s sado-masochistic melodramas and far more disturbing than

This movie also lets Lugosi say a line in his native Hungarian, which is quite a treat after his awkward English became such a big part of his image.

The Craft, which continues to tender a legacy that endures decades later and has spawned a Gen Z reboot, The Craft: Legacy (on which True declined to comment).

You could really believe Fairuza Balk was a witch, and a dangerous one at that. I doubt this film will measure up in that respect.

Stockard Channing and Dianne Wiest were so charming in this movie. My sister and I have joked (but probably mean it) that we are going to spend our old age like them; bebopping around in eccentric clothes, waking people up for midnight cocktails.

90s Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock were freakin gorgeous. Sure, I’m a pig, but holy moly watch that trailer. That Sandra Bullock is the type of gal you wanna marry. I wanna take Nicole Kidman to the frickin prom. They’re god damn beautiful.

For whatever reason, It Follows still freaks me the hell out.

You wanna see white women lose their shit? Check out the comments from the Jezebel article in which one of their writers argues that Jagged Little Pill wasn’t that great of an album...

What, like collective PTSD from being called out for your selective and self-serving progressivism?

I don’t think “firmly liberal” really describes him. He’s more like a bemused contrarian who has contempt for sanctimony and preciousness in all its forms. He rejects the idea that it is mandatory to agree with or embrace any prevailing idea and pretty clear rejects what he thinks of as PC culture even if he doesn’t

It was quite fun to pop over to Twitter during commercials and see all the white women weeping and rending garments over the monologue, while everyone they insisted it was offensive to was totally cool with it.

I always have to laugh when some of my liberal brethren mistake Burr for an out of touch centrist, or worse, sympathetic to the right. I always tell them you really haven’t listened to his material then, as it’s obvious he is firmly a liberal that doesn’t suffer idiots, especially on the right. It’s his shtick to come

Not a new thing at all. Another common use of Masshole is to refer to Massachusetts drivers (at least in NY). 

Does it just say “National SOCIALISM. Set and match, libtards.” on the back in big letters?

I found this book in my parents’ house a couple of years ago—-just the title alone is surreal. Its like if somebody made Donald O’Brien’s book come alive.