Ocean Sage

This movie was in the box of “adult” VHS tapes my dad had. The title was very misleading.

It’s probably been written about somewhere, but the most obviously Hitchcock-indebted scenes all involve Antoine’s mom (a blonde!)

What I remember most vividly about this film is the Hitchcockian moment when the head of Antoine’s mother appears ominously in the classroom window.

All you need to see to sense Truffaut’s sensitivity toward people is that shot of the children watching the Punch & Judy show.  It’s just lovely.

She is a very pretty lady but I bet if she put glasses on she would be a disgusting ugly duckling that no one would ever love :)

I wanna know if there is blood in this Disney movie, like when people get struck with swords and shit? Curious how graphic disney is willing to get on their streamer 

Free Hong Kong!

So you're telling me that they've replaced I'll Make A Man Out Of You, literally the only thing anyone cares about the film with a Christina Aguilera song? Why? Why is SHE doing the theme? Why not hire like Jackie Chan or like a Chinese singer to do the theme? This sounds like a dire film. 

Going to go out on a limb and say that this movie is getting gently “inflated” by critics who very much wanted to like it more they did. I feel a little bad for the lead actress, who was about to get an enormous break only to have the movie more or less relegated to VOD, but I’m seeing a lot of variations on this revie

#BoycottMulan because

Maybe Covid-19 just saved us from a summer of mediocre movies.

I mean, did anyone had any hope for this one? By now we have enough evidences that life-action remake of Disney properties:

True.  The budget on this film is massive.  270 million I think.  Its why they waited so long for a platform release.  But announcing it'll be free in three month's is a real tactical blunder.  I wonder if it's just a cut your losses sort of move. 

She presumably floats on that river because she’s lighter than a duck?

(Tzi Ma, sadly given little to do), sounds like a broken record, countlessly mentioning honor and dishonor.”

Caro speeds through the ceremonial makeover and jumbles the comedic notes of a tight-laced tea session with the local matchmaker.”

So did I. This movie is basically propaganda 

Given her public statements, rat out her neighbors to the secret police.

Let's get down to business: no songs?