Maybe...Just maybe...The defense should stay away from the phrase "He took it like a man."
Maybe...Just maybe...The defense should stay away from the phrase "He took it like a man."
The walker was for the long game. Laying the groundwork for him to get house arrest instead of being thrown into general population in the nearest penitentiary where he belongs.
Shit like that would make me more sure the person on trial was guilty. I mean what is he even suffering from gout?
I guess he can put away the walker now?
Talk is cheap. Stop murdering people and we might believe you.
A bold stance in Trump’s America.
I don’t want to be controversial, but I’m against murder.
I think it falsely implies her murder only matters because she once dated Carey.
Does the headline falsely imply Carey might be involved or am I being paranoid?
RIP Left Eye
Both very good songs. However only “No Scrubs” has the lyrical hook “hangin’ out the passenger side / of his best friend’s ride”, which is just a juggernaut couplet and pretty much ensures that song will win any H2H comparison with any contemporaries.
Left Eye’s rap break alone makes No Scrubs a better song.
Absolutely. The only reason someone would vote for “Say My Name” is they don’t want to be hunted down by the Beygency.
‘No Scrubs’ is the better song.
I hated the movie but don’t begrudge Joaquin the win. Guy is amazing in everything and he was great in a terrible movie.
Phoenix won the award because (a) he’s consider a great actor that hasn’t won it yet (b) it the kind of punishing balls-out performance that Hollywood loves (c) it’s easy to divorce a performance you admire from a movie you don’t (d) a lot more people really dig Joker than you would think (e) all of the above
I just watched it last night. Renee Zellweger was outstanding. Her odd lip shape gave her a boost in the impersonation department, but she absolutely nailed Judy Garland in an emotional context.
Why did that movie make so much money?
The past few weeks here in South Korea have been pretty awful, pretty much coronavirus-terror all day every day, so Bong’s wins are some really welcome happy news.
She won a Golden Globe, a BAFTA, a SAG, and a critic’s choice award for the role. It seemed like a forgone conclusion. But I honestly hadn’t really heard of the movie until she started winning everything.