Ocean Sage

Wait, what?  False.  Tom is, by far, the most sympathetic Corleone.  He has no agency in this scene, and in general, but he generally advises against further mayhem, contrary to the wishes of his brothers.

Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore literally was a box office hit that won its lead actress an Oscar. You want to come up with a better defense than that? Boxcar Bertha also made a ton of money and got Barbara Hershey an Oscar nod to boot. I could go on but you get the idea.

“Yeah, but what about every Scorcese film?”

If memory serves, it was the shooter himself who claimed to be “inspired” by the Joker, mainly as a smarmy legal strategy; hoping that a careless jury and/or media would blame the source material for his brutal crime. Luckily, the tactic didn’t save his sorry ass, but some lazy people still play along whenever the

Why is this film different?

I’ve seen a lot of my friends hand wringing over this movie, saying we shouldn’t support it because it might encourage negative acts, and my response has always been “Yeah, but what about every Scorcese film?”

Look, I’m not a DC fanboy or a Dowd hater. I never was.But this review is one of the worst that I have ever read on here.

The shooter had his hair dyed bright orange and thats it. Last time I checked Joker had green hair.

“...including the one that donned the costume of The Joker himself before opening fire on an Aurora auditorium:”

Maybe Phillips shouldn’t have very obviously tried to reference Scorsese if he didn’t want people drawing comparisons to Scorsese!

How much of “this film” is there if it mostly retreads another director’s work?

The director is a Scorsese fan, but not as good as Scorsese? Mind. Blown. I’m sure we’re all terribly impressed that a film critic is familiar with the films of perhaps the greatest director of all time, but a review of this film would have been nice. This reads like you’re trying to impress a girl at a bar. 

Jodie Comer, Killing Eve.

Jared Harris deserves an Emmy for Chernobyl.

Alfie Allen, who gave so many understated and anguished performances.

Now I want to play Find The Burner.

Damn bro, you just nuked the site from orbit. Well done. 

I think comedy ages worse than just about every other genre of entertainment, and that’s something to keep in mind.

I think it’s important to note these comments were fairly recent, too. This isn’t Kevin Hart making a joke that, at the time, wasn’t offensive to most people. (Still a shitty joke, but context matters in comedy.)

Looking forward to all the “free speech!” outcry, as if being a cast member on SNL is a constitutional right being unjustly ripped from this jamoke’s grasp.