Rowen (Paid Politcal Shill)

Changing Rooms had the absolute best rooms. My favorite episode was the one where they did the bedroom in black and yellow (it looked REALLY good) and the family room had this sun stencil on the wall.

The UK version kinda wrecked me because they killed off the Teddy character (he doesn’t survive the overdose), but it was more...Real? I liked the American version in the later seasons when it finally gave up on trying to be real and just went for camp.

The British one came first (hence the name. There’s a saying that There’s Nothing As Queer As Folk [basically, the people in your hometown are weird]). Little finger played the guy who would be Brian in the US version. Also, the underage plotline had more weight (at the time, there were different ages of consent for

In Showgirls, there’s a scene were they are at the big party, where Molly is raped, and just behind Nomi, you can see one of the dancers in Goddess slow dancing with another guy. It’s cute, and for 1995, it was all OMG!

British or American?

The fact that we had better representation with Will and Grace than we do in most modern mainstream media is really fucking telling.

“Wellpast time to stop pretending he’s the second coming of FDR”

How could the Millennials be racist? Some of their best friends are Bernie Sanders, and we all know he marched with King!

One thing that strikes me about this is that, if you walk into your average Wal-Mart or Target or Old Navy, the vast majority of clothing for girls is going to need some modifications to meet these requirements (leggings plus skirt plus top plus...Jacket? That 90s spaghetti strap over a t-shirt look?) whereas, pretty

Now playing

This is almost 20 years old (jesus fuck...) but it still gets me.

*shhhhh* someone might hear you and then we have to deal with young white dudes telling us how some of their best friends are Elizabeth Warren and using “neoliberal” or memes about socialism every other word.

I have a lot of complex emotions in this situation that in some cases align and others don’t. But, yes, it did seem cathartic for the author, and I hope that more of my G and L family can do better.

That’s um... It’s. Ok.

I’m really confused but at least it was better than that stupid HamNo thing.

All of my bi friends were all “this article is terribly written but the sentiment is the same.” My thoughts were more along the lines of “yes, author, you are right, but you’re also going to have a shit of a time finding allies in HRC.”

I’m so mad at myself for not thinking​ of that.

That’s some smooth ass jazz sax.

““I’ve decided to dare people to really question how much their social media is worth,” she intones.”

I kinda get the impression that for Derulo, the only women he wants to date are imaginary.

Does his girlfriend live in Canada?