Rowen (Paid Politcal Shill)

Goddamnit! I LIKE Say Yes to the Dress! Why you gotta have Omarosa on it?

Ok. I have questions. And this is coming from a purely ID place, so it’s not... Pretty? And I’m not sure how to think or phrase this and I want to say that in advance. I don’t *want* to start a fight but I know what I’m going to say and ask is pretty fight worthy.

When does he look attractive to you? I find he either looks like the picture above or looks like the white guys who roam around listening to Tupac and Bob Marley.

*steps up to microphone*

Frankly, that’s what I can’t seem to get around this whole idea that the Dems have failed the working class and Hillary didn’t say Jerbs enough. These people looked at the two candidates and went “well, I think she’s a bitch, but he said these racist asshole things, but I’m ok with that, cause he’s just saying it like

but now he has something he can point to and say, “See? I’m just like you guys!

I can see your point, a lot of people living in large cities like NYC or DC have said that if they’re gonna spend a lot of money on movie tickets, they’d rather go see a big-budget superhero movie with action, explosions and fun stuff.

In that pink dress, she’s got some big bewbs. I don’t know if I just never noticed before, but I can imagine Don has.

I know he’s a troll, but fucking this. I liked Clinton more than Bernie. In fact, as much as I liked what Bernie was promising, I don’t think he’s that trustworthy or reliable. But Goddess forbid you say that. When it comes to other people’s feelings about Clinton, all bets are off, but when it comes to coronating

Except, by talking to many of these people, the things that swayed them aren’t things that the Democrats can glob onto as “lessons” unless they are willing to run Oprah, lie through their teeth, or do a 180 on abortion.

I’m not suggesting we court conservative voters, among many other things you’re getting wrong about what I think about Clinton’s campaign, the DNC, and the 2016 election.

I can never remember her Gaelic name. Though, I did once have a customer super impressed that I knew how to spell Fionnuala

“Many super liberal, non-self-hating women were less than enthused about Hillary.”

One of these days, I’m going to go around asking people of they know who Brian Boru and Grace O’Malley were, on St. Patty’s day, and if they don’t, I’m going to punch them with their stupid shamrock hats.

Except that’s not what she or the Democrats did.

I would extend that to all St Patty’s day celebrations. I grew up learning irish step dancing, and this is the worst time of year because you’re either performing for boring old white people who’s community centers reek of the cabbage they’ve been boiling all day, or you’re in the parking lot of some bar while drunk

And the impact of thirty years of denigrating the female candidate’s character and making up bullshit lies.

The fact that they’re getting poorer by the day, and you actually have a platform that helps them.

Nate Silver has been on record saying that without Comey, the Rust belt would have likely gone to Hillary. Also, Hillary paid attention to how she looked, and both her website and debates had a decent amount of policy wonk. Sanders was notorious for looking like he just rolled out of bed, and Trump had no policy to

If the Left doesn’t focus on issues that affect LGBTQ and women, then those issues will go backwards and people will die.