Rowen (Paid Politcal Shill)

Did the Times staff not read any of the millions of think pieces about the ugly Fat Naked Trump statues?

My dad’s side of the family is Native American. My grandmother recently let it slip that she married REALLY young in order to get off the reservation, and hasn’t been back since, even though we’re still involved with the tribal council. My aunt is a lawyer and my dad is a West Point grad and a doctor.

I really don’t understand why this isn’t more upsetting to the Give Us a Choice people. I went to a Vanguard middle school (basically, a magnet school mixed with a Pre-IB program, more or less), and while my local middle school wasn’t terrible, it allowed my parents to have a variety of options of where to send me.

Yeah! I don’t know how I got this idea, but somehow I thought he was related to Zero Mostel.

Then you would know that at no point in the Gospels does it say that Pilate had Jesus flogged in hopes that it would cause him to recant.

Huh. For some reason I thought he was related to someone. I was wrong. I still don’t like him.

... you haven’t really read the Gospels. I’m not sure if you are Mel Gibson or working for him, but I’m going to bow out.

No, I’m not moving the goalposts. I’m saying that the whipping had a specific point in the crucifixion, and we don’t exactly have a lot of depictions of it, and since Gibson got a shit ton else wrong in the movie, there’s no reason to think that a routine crucifixion would have raised the Roman guards to such a blood

Seneca the Elder didn’t write histories, and I don’t think you’re reading what I wrote. I’m not saying it wasn’t gorey. I’m saying that the depiction in the movie isn’t correct.

Crucifixion wasn’t for Roman citizens and it has nothing to do with gore. It had to do with visibility and humiliation. When you’re crucified, you die from asphyxiation, and it takes a long time. And if you’re not dead after a certain point, someone comes along to break your legs to speed it up. Also, condemned

Has Nate Turner’s career been effectively killed? And if not, anyone want to over/under how long till he gets to rejoin Hollywood?

Eh, it’s still not a very accurate portrayal. Romans were efficient and none of that Gore was efficient. The basics are there, but turned up to 11.

Stop reading my fanfics! Those are private!

And he’s being played by a straight guy!

Thank you! I don’t like him either. But I think it’s cause he was born on third base and seems like he thinks he hit a triple. And everything I’ve seen him in has him being so fucking quirky.

Oh good. A mincing sidekick who is probably going to be sexless, even if he gets paired off at the end. I can’t fucking wait.

“Just because you say something nicely doesn’t mean you’re being nice.”

I mean, the term “magical negro” didn’t just come from no where...

I’ll take Kuvira over what’s going on here, any day.

I started studying aerial silks about six months to a year ago and started lyra about a month ago. I’ve wanted to but thought I was too fat. I’m tempted to start a video blog of my progress.