Rowen (Paid Politcal Shill)

*blush* I know way too many terrible people.

Let me help you out. From left to right. Ellen. Budget Gavin Rossdale. Parallel universe Boy Enya visiting on an interdimensional tour.

This is what I hear when I see that fucking haircut.

I didn’t realize that was a thing...

“I wouldn’t have to keep making shitty movies if you didn’t spend all my money!”

“If he thought he was innocent, he could just walk out the door of the embassy.”

Ugh. No. I mean, I like some of those but fuck no.

... They’re remaking Murder on the Orient Express? Is nothing sacred? #WelcometoTrumpsAmerica

Now playing

In 1995, an American version of AbFab came out, called High Society, with Mary McDonnell as the Eddie character and Jean Smart as the Patsy character. In this episode, Jean Smart, who’s used to big hair and stilettos is trying to get into a snooty UES condo when Mary McDonnell introduces her to the concept of “flats.”

They already are

The only thing that really matters are the hot takes of the white working class and the Progressives who jack off to memes about socialism

Just remember, this is Obama’s fault for making this easier and Hillary’s fault for being such a shrill bitch that no one likes.

“This really shouldn’t be a contest on suffering.”

Neither Ivanka nor Jared walk around with their heads covered. Are they really Orthodox?

Audra McDonald is playing the Wardrobe, who’s also a servant. And an inanimate object that stores dresses...
And takes nice White Kids to Narnia where they can decimate the local population, ecosystem, and political landscape.

I grew in Houston, and yes, it’s a big ass restaurant where you can watch fish. It’s run by the same folks who run the Rainforest Cafe, if memory serves me. For a real “aquarium” you have to go to Galveston to Moody Gardens.

White privilege?

Maybe an unknown actress?

Is the top part of her... apron? made out of denim? Cause it sure as hell looks that way.