Makes sense - thanks for explaining your rationale!
B&N does price matching??
There’ve been a few times I’ve been in a local B&N, found a cool gift, looked on Amazon and saw it priced from 3/4 of the price and it would just be absurd of me to buy it for $10-20 extra rather than wait a few days...
Curious, what do you have against CDNs?
Well put. Whether it’s the main reason or even just the most subconscious reason, I too think that most people would want to forever pretend that their meat doesn’t come from live animals (especially if it may have had some measure of beauty or cuteness in its life).
Some people get away with getting PayPal transactions to count for some banks but a lot of banks caught on and specifically exclude those. So to answer your question, yes, pretty much just payroll.
Dude $500 to open a bank account?? Get some. You don’t need to switch permanently - that’s a really great deal. (unless they’re asking you to deposit more money than you have of course - sometimes they can be obnoxious like that.)
You don’t have to permanently switch. It’s obviously in the bank’s best interest for you to be lazy and take their bonus and feel obligated to stay with them, but they can’t keep you forever. Whether it’s 90 days or what - and you may need to unfortunately go into a branch a lot of time and interact with real people,…
A microwave is just too versatile and useful to neglect in a modern kitchen of mine.
Glad I’m not the only one this struck as odd.
Hockey jersey style it seems? I don’t actually like it...
I don’t follow esports or streamers and I have no particular connection to “callsigns” (first I’ve heard them called that truthfully - I’d just call it a handle or name or nickname, etc.)...
I agree!
‘Throw it out’ should not even be in the article.
Wow I really hope you typed that all up in MS Word and just did ‘Capitalize each word’... o_O
To add a tiny bit to DeadByDagger’s (accurate) response, you get different credit amount for the rarity level of the item - so you get more for legendary dupes than common dupes. They did recently adjust their loot box algorithm to minimize duplicates though - I think it just makes it more likely for you to earn…
They should have a ‘Random’ skin setting, like the ‘Random’ Heroic Intro - that way every game you play with said hero could be a different skin (that you own)! It’d be especially neat for Random 6v6, but I don’t see why it shouldn’t be added otherwise...
Annoying yes, but I’m just breathing a sigh of relief that it wasn’t Twitter.
“well I started selling it 6 months ago for the cost of a bitcoin and then I figured if people are willing to pay so much more for a questionable currency, why wouldn’t they pay the same for a car that actually has value and can do something for you??”