Ocean Dan

It's got a nice butt, but otherwise I'm with you.

That is true.

Not denying that your statement isn't true, but I'm just saying, a racecar/homologated racecar will always be superior (for me at least) to its road-going version in every department, including looks.

I know somebody that got a new Jetta last year in brown and I was honestly impressed by how much that color works on the new Jetta.

Lotta dissent here in the comments...

Sell it for - what, $50?

288 GTO.

I never saw the Wiggles live, but I watched a ton of their show.

Hell yeah.


I don't care if it's blasphemous; it's ugly as sin to me.

Just looking at different minor design features of this car, I'd say yes, they are obsessed with their logo.

Seeing these custom lock screens remind me very much of a few years back when I had my HTC Vogue/Touch and S2U2 was all the rage and had an incredibly active customizable userbase. Way over 100 pages on XDA-devs as I recall.

They could very well use the same mailto protocol, but most likely you wouldn't see it if you're just filling out a form online, say a "Suggestion" or something. It'd be done on the backend because users don't really need to know that they're sending an email, they can send messages without an email address of their

Still interesting to know lol.

Nope, didn't notice.

AW11 owner here...

That last statement is interesting...

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