I wasn't bashing the company...
I wasn't bashing the company...
I was never knocking them. I said I'm sure that they're great sneakers - that's why I wanted a pair when I was last shopping for running shoes.
Infinite miles per gallon... not bad, not bad at all...
Very nice, but who the heck needs Nike Free trainers?
I second this.
I'm thinking Silly Putty.
Radar detectors are only illegal for commercial use (i.e. truckers) and maybe in a single east coast state like Connecticut.
I'll take this over a Fiesta ST- oh wait I can't.
I wish they made a 1-Series in the early 90s (no the ti does not count) because I love the concept, but the execution is plagued by the curse of the modern car design: bloat.
I don't want to be that guy - and let me assure you, I am the complete opposite when it comes to things like these - but it looks like they didn't even try to hide the *ahem* male genitalia in the design.
I'll give you the argument that NSFW can be considered binary, being either NSFW or SFW, but if we're going to use different levels, I'd agree with the titling of "slightly NSFW" because it isn't straight up porn, and I didn't even see any nudity when I was bleaching my eyes out.
Never seen that before... more?
Oh you...
Nope, that is entirely correct.
As I said, I didn't actually make the Nyan Cat graphic... :/
Of course I care about Ubuntu...
BMPs only supported 256 colors originally as well.