Ocean Dan

First one to make a Taigun rallycar wins.

What the hell... why is that guy's artwork so damn good??

$200 for a good new unlocked smartphone?

Like there haven't been a ton of stupid patents granted already...

Pretty frickin awesome.

So that would mean that they'd have a new designation for their iPads...

I've had Klipsch S3's for a year now and they're awesome. I wasn't up to the slight bump in hardware and price, so I stuck with the midrange S3's for ~$30 (on sale).

I really really hope that Converse sells them entirely unlaced as a major eff you to the people who would wear such ridiculous footwear.

No link = no proof.

Of course I would appreciate that fact!

Oh man, that's just low...

It's a good thing I don't own a nice car...

Zomg Elise roofs leak too??

Cool. I didn't know all this.

I don't know how your legs don't become icicles during the winter with boots that only go up to your knees.

So what you're telling me is that these are not tall enough for you either?

No Banjo, no Kazooie, not cool. Sorry.

You would expect to be able to return it, yes.

I'll be honest here, I don't quite understand your replies.

Holy heck... that was a long reply to you...