Ocean Dan

Yes. Not a hesitation in my mind.

I probably sound like an angry old man stuck in the past, but I'm really just a young dude yearning for a past he never got to experience first-hand o_O

Oh I coulda told you this a looooong time ago.

Traffic is good for a game like Burnout (though the only one I've ever played was on PSP) or NFS, but it would kind of - no it definitely would - be a nuisance for me trying to enjoy driving these pretty realistic cars through nice scenery.

Watching this trailer makes me itch for a legit open-world driving game (like this promises), but with an open world game, I'd just want to drive freely and not have to deal with virtual people lol

So you're saying that Forza Horizon offers the same/similar aids to those that Forza 4 offers? And said aids can all be turned off to replicate Forza 4 with no aids?

Cool article. I didn't know about some of these (i.e. before my time) and it was nice to read a brief description of them.

As cool as it'd be to own a Ferrari, I'd prefer a Ferrari I actually want, not just whatever is available.

Quintessential Lotus? I think not.

It's the truth.

Hmm good point.

You're silly.

Something's not right...

Believe it or not, it's actually marketed as an all-terrain EV, capable of 200 miles.

I can dig it.

Oh god, thanks for pointing that out, I woulda never noticed the slider.

Vaguely reminds me of the SW20 MR2 (that mated with a Z8). Is it mid-engined?

Ohh I like this one.

Sounds like how I drive.

What's with people's disgust for nails?