Ocean Dan

I was reading your comment and was absolutely bewildered after the second sentence...

I'd drive it!!

Something's wrong here...

Easy for packaged foods...

1. Lotus Exige S240

I concur.

I try not to build things like this up too much, so while I think it looks fantastic, I'm not going crazy over it.

I dunno, I prefer the gallery. Less scrolling and the comments are right there.

I gotta agree with all the comments before me...

Where'd the gallery format go??

I doubt you're alone, but the other way around is way more normal - I'd say natural, but I don't have any facts to back that up.

Thanks. lol

This movie just keeps looking better and better.

I saw recently (a couple weeks ago now) a news article about major food companies actively fighting the California government that wants to pass a bill requiring genetically modified foods to be labeled.

Shit... $55 for a 128 GB SATAIII SSD?

That's awesome.


This new Kindle will be just like the other eReaders up until now.

You can read the other replies to astronautmilf - they sum up all the important details well.

I'm not gonna lie, driving a manual isn't easy but you certainly get used to it (and improve over time of course).