God, nooooo!!!
God, nooooo!!!
Since I already have a SSD for my PC, the only thing I can think about concerning em is the next Xbox. If MS doesn't go for SSDs in the next Xbox, I'm gonna freak.
Yeah, this is fantastic that SSD are dropping so much.
I won't vote because I really don't know what these are worth.
Ha, that's pretty funny that I actually replied to the submission of #8 with the green interior bits saying that I kinda dig em cus they're so whacky.
I'm just gonna hafta agree to disagree.
That's a great gif.
I actually bought 6 shares of RIM stock almost two months ago now expecting them to pull it up and they've been doing pretty poopy since.
I saw this awhile ago when I liked to creep on LotusTalk (I do still occasionally, but not nearly as often). Hi-larious.
Wait, what????
What the f—- happened to the inside of that car?
I like it. Crazy and different.