This was actually really interesting to learn about.
This was actually really interesting to learn about.
Zomg, I just realized that you can't use Opera mouse gestures on Macs because of the lack of right-mouse buttons! Those poor Mac users... They don't know what they're missing...
You're a terrible person. Just saying.
What's the deal with those inflatable seat cushions too??
Weird, I though Day of the Jackal at first too even though I know there was never a shot like that in the movie and that car wasn't in the movie either...
Yep, that's a rule, and since you're breaking their rules, they have legitimate cause to ban your account.
lol this would be great. I'd love to see this, and I don't really watch racing myself.
You say that like you're ashamed or something.
Eh, I don't really see this as a paradigm shift truthfully.
Exactly. I don't see anything wrong with gesture controls, just the fact that they are presumed to be the be-all, end-all solution to all our input problems (because we have so many? lol) and the "way of the future".
In grade school and high school I always had a regular (reusable) lunch bag (i.e. not paper) - which is ridiculous now that I think back to how they always had such a bad rep in high school (not that it affected me because I simply didn't care) - but now I want one of those classic metal lunchboxes.
He paid what he charged himself...
This wasn't the first time I saw that video, but the first time I saw it...
I love these illusions!
Wow, these are some stunning photographs.
Just my opinions here, and I'm not trying to start anything...
That last paragraph was awesome.