Not many doofus-y white men do.
Not many doofus-y white men do.
It was so terrible as a sentence that even had it been shade it would still be a violation of the English language. So. There’s that.
still doesn’t understand shade.
You sound stupid.
Baby girl, I’m pretty wild. I’m a webcam model. I’ve tried a lot of things.
Maybe there was actually a different reason for his divorce.
I’m in the BDSM community and that’s definitely only something that should be said if both parties have expressed equal interest in it already. Since he sprang it on you and sex has been pretty vanilla so far I can see that being a big red flag. Not for sure, he may just not have tact but the most important thing in…
Yes, sadistic, and possibly a control thing. If you aren’t into it, say it.
Run. fast.
I believe they prefer the term “multi-level motivators”
S! S=T! S-T-A and R! With comments like that, you will go FAR! Yay, Madoffs Mets!
Take your star and go
Maybe the cheerleaders did something completely disgusting and amoral, like going to a restaurant with a married man.
Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.
Of course police told them they did nothing wrong; prostitution is completely legal in Horry County.
I typically record “A Shop Around the Corner” each time it is on TCM. It’s my favorite movie and Mr. Obsorne’s intros about the film were such a delight. I will miss him so.
I don’t owe Conway jack shit. She chose who she wanted to become and who she is working for.
I’m calling it now there is gonna be a tech bubble burst and Uber is gonna be the next
“...(S)ome kind of communications failure” is pilot-speak for “neglected to change to the appropriate frequency when directed by ATC.”
Glad everything turned out ok, but let’s not pretend those German Typhoons were there to ensure the safety of the flight and its passengers.