They’re scheduled to wake up 4 months before landing, so it’s like being on a floating cruise ship.
They’re scheduled to wake up 4 months before landing, so it’s like being on a floating cruise ship.
She got paid almost double what Pratt got paid ($20 million to his $12) and she gets a percentage of the profits, so I imagine that have something to do with it.
I like how much credit you give her. she is kind of a douche and has a gazillion dollars yet keeps making shitty high-profile movies that pay her another gazillion dollars. I’m sure that after reading the horrible script her only comment was “I’ll do it for 20 million”.
Sometimes men murder and assault women because they have needs! Think of their needs!
But if you’re still jonesing for Resting JLaw Acting Face, create your own homebrew version by standing in front of a mirror and trying to remember the last eleven places you put your car keys.
Everything about this is awful. Were any women allowed to review this script before they started filming? Writer, director and producers all seem to be men.
Oh geez... I fully missedthat, and now I groan even harder
They lost me at “Aurora.” You just know that whichever draft that first appeared in, the following script doctor’s immediate reaction was, “Too obvious” only to be countered by some studio lackey chirping, “Sleeping beauty — brilliant!”
I don’t understand this particular character trait, as this movie is set too far into the future for Jim to plausibly remember a time when humans were needed to fix stuff by hand, but hey, I’m no screenwriter.
Thanks Bobby, I am more than happy not to see Passengers.
Thank you for your service and for saving me fifteen bucks.
I saw Kedi at the Seattle International Film Festival a while back and LOVED IT. It was beautifully done and enjoyable for more than just the cats (as if that’s not enough!). It’s a fantastic look at Istanbul at a personal level, I loved the feel that I was exploring various parts of the city, meeting various…
This film looks extraordinary and in the spirit of celebrating cats and the people who love them, may I introduce Moshow to the conversation?
I saw this on Twitter a couple of days ago and it made me think...for a split second...we’re all going to be okay:
“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”- President Lyndon B. Johnson
That’s the thing a lot of people don’t understand... it’s not a difference of political opinion anymore, it’s an issue of common human decency. And the republicans have shown that they have none - almost every hill they make a stand on is genuinely about keeping the downtrodden down under the boot of the…
“Any coincidence that the CEO of the research firm is Japanese and the list is comprised mostly of Japanese cars?”
I love cars and my Honda Pilot thank you very much. I can’t afford to be a gearhead but reliability is something to be proud of
He’s the one who led the gun control filibuster. Sandy Hook is in his district. Smart guy, and seems to be really stepping up lately to speak for the party and what they need to do.
Forget too old. I’ll be damned if I’ll listen to them whitesplain and mansplain to me how we lost the election because we didn’t speak to needs of angry white men. You know, because Hillary totally didn’t have a multi-pronged and detailed jobs and infrastructure program as a central part of her platform or anything.…