
It’s not how people in Southern-state small towns actually talk, but it’s how absurdist characters of people in Southern-state small towns talk. Including ones that Marc Cherry has written in the past. (See: Blanche Devereux)

Seriously - every episode I have seen has the exact same “plot”: they find a potential house to flip. She says something wise about the costs, about being careful because [reason], etc. He pays no attention to her and does what he wants (nearly every time this means overpaying for a house they decided not to buy). She

ummmmmm i would have picked Mandy Moore because she was my favorite and still is. She was phenom in A Walk to Remember and by phenom I mean......ok by my teenage standards.

tbh I too would have someone sing “You Don’t Own Me” at my wedding. Gotta be clear on that one, even in matrimony this bitch doesn’t belong to no man. (Except in a monogamy way. Property way/rights way/up-to-the-twentieth-century way, hell no.)

It’s a mark of intelligence to recognize what you don’t know and seek counsel and knowledge about it. Only stupid people think they know everything.

William Henry Harrison’s boss move of taking office them promptly dying is looking like a pretty sweet deal compared to what we’re facing.

The ghost of James Buchanan just did a fist pump.

Trump can’t read. Won’t read

I suspect I know exactly what he’s doing: Trolling 300 million people.


On the bright side: This means Putin isn’t getting daily briefings, either.

Hey President Dumbshit! Even smart people need to read to actually know things. Being smart doesn’t mean you just magically acquire knowledge. It just means that you’re capable of processing and understanding what you read!

We’re all going to die. After we’ve been handed over to Russia. Orange Hitler has no idea what he’s doing.

She looks like an anthropomorphized bird

It’s the “I Got Mine” school of politics. Unless there someone in her family struggling with it, she gives no fucks. It’s like a politician being against abortion or gay rights until someone in their family needs one or is one.

I honestly don’t understand how people can be so cruel. Just gleefully, unabashedly horrible.

Dick Armey would like a word with you.

I find it more concerning that nobody in his entourage realized this was a bad idea and knocked the phone outta his hands. I mean, if there was ever a time for a secret service guy to be go rogue and be like “even I know you don’t say shit about Taiwan!” and shoot the phone...

Ari Fleischer, former White House Press Secretary under GW Bush: