OCD Geek²

Public Service Announcement: A few days back Big Finish put a f—- ton of their Doctor Who audio plays up on Spotify for free, including several of the spin-offs.

With Adam Baldwin being Adam Baldwin, what's the point?

Ah, Jeffrey Lord. Or, as I called him before learning his name, "Evil Tom Baker".

That's… shockingly bad casting. Especially coming from Pixar, the gold standard for great casting decisions.

The Middle has that low-key The Wonder Years/Roseanne (the non-insane years)/King of the Hill vibe to it, though. It (mostly) holds back on the sitcom wackiness.

Yeah, it's kind of filled the void left by Seasons 3-8 of Roseanne.

I usually like Lindsey Graham, but G— damn.

*Dominic Monaghan voice*

They're like the villains of a bad kid's movie.

And NSA director Stephen Baldwin. His eavesdropping skills are awful, but his Barney Rubble is superb. Everyone says so.

Then you had the Series 10 trailers that featured her frequently and annoyingly shouting things like "Get it!" and "Doctor What!?", making her seem extremely obnoxious. All of of which subsequently weren't annoying when seen in context.

After seventeen years of eerie silence, a phone finally rings. The neighbors, alarmed by the sudden noise coming from next door, call the police. They had believed the house to be long since abandoned.

"I hold a poster encouraging drivers to honk in solidarity. This is my design."

"[Transformers 3] is really kinda sorta good, guys! Kinda sorta!"

It'll turn out to be John Frobisher, with Capaldi in a dual role. Just to f—- with you.

The Doctor spent 24 years on Darilluim with River and has been at the university for around 70 years. It's been almost a century since we last saw Missy. Anything could have happened to her in the years since.

With neo-Nazis on the rise worldwide, seeing The Doctor punching a racist in the face was extremely cathartic.

It's looking more and more like Moffat's making the 10th series a victory lap, but not just for his run. I think this series is going to be a celebration of Davies run (Simm's Master) and Classic Who (picture of Susan, Ace 2.0, Mondasian Cybermen) as well. A nice coda to NuWho so far, with nods to where it all

Bill and The Doctor's Ace 2.0 relationship continues to be amazing.

Fold your own damn chairs!