OCD Geek²

It's the Chuck-xit.

So, if Crackle is the UPN of streaming does that make Blackpills the first-run syndication of streaming? You know, if you took out Star Treks: TNG & DS9, Babylon 5 and Xena. Is Blackpills all the other sh—?

Seems like a sh— ton of people inside the White House already have the leaking thing covered.

He has my post-sword.

It better be. He gave up Star Trek: Discovery for this.

Burt Reynolds does conventions? That's unexpected.

I'm a Methodist, and we don't do that. I just want to say that any church that makes you pay for a Bible study group or Sunday school class is doing it wrong. It should be as inclusive and accessible as possible.

I don't care if anyone at Paramount ripped B5 off. Both shows had similar premises, similar storylines and (eerily) similar final season cast upheavals. And both shows were very, very different. DS9 was an action/adventure comedy-drama, while B5 was a sprawling hard sci-fi epic. DS9 focused on dark, gritty war combat.

Soup, Split Pea, Hot!

They even managed to make Worf's son bearable for a couple of episodes. Poor Will Wheaton never got the DS9 treatment for his character. Rot in hell, Wesley.

Season 1 is rough, Season 2 is good and Season 3 is really good. Seasons 4-7, though, are f—-ing phenomenal. You're in for a treat.

Three seasons is the average Doctor run. It's become a tradition of sorts at this point.

I'm not as pumped for Series 10 either. I love Moffat & Capaldi (and Davies & Tennant and Moffat & Smith, for that matter), but this is just another stopgap post-script season.

I clicked to read the comments about Trumpers not understanding that the anti-Nazi Resistance Radio is a marketing campaign for The Man in the High Castle and ended up here.

*rushes stage* I'm going to let you all finish, but Moonlight was the best picture of the year.

The KKK (Kentucky Kops & Korrections).


Yes! This is what made the original two so great. More causal conversation between likable, relate-able characters played by talented actors. Less scenery porn and bullshit "twists".

Wow, that's the shortest "Here's what's coming to [insert streaming service here]" list I've ever seen. Trump's America sucks.

I was but a wee lad of four when I sat down with J. Michael Straczynski, Michael Piller and Ira Steven Behr in a musky LA nightclub. Spyder, my usual haunt. I was a major part of the art scene in those days, but I don't like to brag. Anyway, I regaled them with a story about aliens and humans, politics and religion,