OCD Geek²

Kevin! … Wait, are we not doing 3-2-1 Penguins?

Well, he does have crippling diabetes. And AAIIIDDDSSSS!!!

Jai bless you.

Leave J. August Richards alone! It wasn't his fault!

I hear he runs on cheeseburgers, cheap beer and royalty checks.

Ah, yes. Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Writer David S. Goyer's follow-up to The Crow: City of Angels.

And for geeks that are anti-GamerGate/Trump/Breitbart there's just The AV Club, BirthMoviesDeath and The Mary Sue anymore. Everywhere else is fair-teeming with (white) men's rights activists.

Yep, and then followed that up by asking, "Jack, where do you stand on weirdos peeing?"

It wasn't just you. There are dozens of us. Dozens!

I'm so sick of found footage horror movies.

Jesus, Spiering is nervous as hell. He's like the white supremacist version of Chris Farley interviewing McCartney.

*googles Adolf Hitler stand-up, heart sinks when finds none*

Completely unrelated, I refer to Liam Hemsworth as Hemsworth the Lesser on a regular basis. It annoys the hell out of my sister.

Trump and Bannon Brittad America.

This sounds like a job for the Doctor. Maybe he can spread the rumor that Trump and Bannon look "tired".

Can Obama at least still have supervised visits?

Did you have it with lettuce, cheese and tomato with Chick-fil-a sauce for your fries?

Some sites delete/ban for swearing, others don't. I self censor to cover my a—.

Upvoted in agreement. And also for the use of chinwag.

I assure you mine was horrifyingly, confusingly real. It took place at my church for some reason too.