OCD Geek²

Holy motherforking shirt balls. I needed this right now.

It's so dense. Every single cheek has so many things going on.

"In a little more than a week, Donald Trump has repeatedly lied about the size of his inauguration crowd, claimed “illegals” cost him the popular vote, instituted a media blackout at the EPA and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, revived the XL Keystone and Dakota pipelines, proposed putting the cost of his border

I had a dream that I couldn't stop sh—-ing and the toilet was overflowing. I was running out of paper, sh— was everywhere and Steve Martin was in the bathroom angrily staring at me with disapproval and disgust.

Like Prince Michael II.

Any even they are technically Russian immigrants. The whole "we don't want any immigrants or refugees here" thing is illogical, racist bullshit of the highest order. And this Muslim ban is religious persecution, plain and simple.

Everyone makes mistakes. What truly counts is acknowledging them, holding yourself accountable for them and striving to atone for them. If think I speak for everyone here when I say you're forgiven.

As a Christian I wholeheartedly agree. The ACLU, National Immigration Law Center, Council for American-Islamic Relations, Planned Parenthood, Southern Poverty Law Center, the Mazzoni Center and other groups like them really are doing the Lord's work. They need all the support we can give them during the dark times

I've been practically living in the bathroom since Trump was elected. At least it's keeping me regular.

I previously posted over at BirthMoviesDeath viewer guides to all the acclaimed and/or important episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Doctor Who (old school and revival) in order to help people avoid all the unnecessary sh—. And I have on my laptop an ever-growing list of every fantasy, horror, sci-fi and

Finally, here are some organizations that need our support in fighting Trump's Muslim ban. Please donate if you are able to. No matter how little you can afford, every dollar helps.

When you're done with that, here are the official phone numbers for Trump Tower. If we can get enough people to call them, maybe we can get Trump's attention. Or, at the very least, get under Trump's skin. Call them. Tell them what concerns you about what's going on with the country. Make your voice heard, but please

Hey, everyone. Upset about Trump's Muslim ban or any other action he's taken?
Here is the phone number to contact your congressional representatives in the House and Senate.

Finally, here are some organizations that need our support in fighting Trump's Muslim ban. Please donate if you are able to. No matter how little you can afford, every dollar helps.

When you're done with that, here are the official phone numbers for Trump Tower. If we can get enough people to call them, maybe we can get Trump's attention. Or, at the very least, get under Trump's skin. Call them. Tell them what concerns you about what's going on with the country. Make your voice heard, but please

Hey, everyone. Upset about Trump's Muslim ban or any other action he's taken?
Here is the phone number to contact your congressional representatives in the House and Senate.

And here are some organizations that need our support in fighting Trump's Muslim ban. Please donate if you are able to. No matter how little you can afford, every dollar helps.

Also, here are some organizations that need our support in fighting Trump's Muslim ban. Please donate if you are able to. No matter how little you can afford, every dollar helps.

Hello all. I re-edited my Facebook post to put all of Trump Tower's phone numbers together at the top. If enough people call those first few numbers, we could create a chaotic mess at Trump Tower and a very public headache for Donald Trump. Let's get under his skin.

Hey, everyone. I re-edited my Facebook post to put all of Trump Tower's phone numbers together at the top. If enough people call those first few numbers, we could create a chaotic mess at Trump Tower and a very public headache for Donald Trump. Let's get under his skin.