I’m guessing that “Baller” in this usage is slang for “idiot” or “sucker”, so no. No, I am not a Big Baller.
I’m guessing that “Baller” in this usage is slang for “idiot” or “sucker”, so no. No, I am not a Big Baller.
I dunno. A lot of the Amazon reviews for this thing are giving me a lot of pause. Though the, “I smoked a 24 pound turkey in it” reviews have me torn.
I dunno. A lot of the Amazon reviews for this thing are giving me a lot of pause. Though the, “I smoked a 24 pound…
This is precisely why you shouldn’t watch, because as the Jersey Shore taught us, aspiring idiots across the country will just try and “own” their stupidity in the hopes that a TV show will need an idiot somewhere.
That’s odd. I went to one Dodgers game 2 seasons back, and the entire row section in front of me was minorities. Maybe it was because Dodgers/Giants was a bigger draw, but, that’s how it was.
Except the big check couldn’t have possibly cleared, so there was no actual justifiable reason to do so, aside from kicking poors in the teeth.
I was with BofA, and they used to do this EOD if order of operations would fuck your bank account.
Oh, so exactly the same, then?
So, what’s the Vegas line on an announcer saying, “Thank you, come again” after the first Indian-born pitcher’s strikeout? -1000? -5000?
Ain’t compromise great?
Is Auskas?
You forgot a big one.
When the announcer’s like, “I know you’ve commentated on a maximum before, but I’ve never...”
Come on, son.
Not quite. No pinto beans on Danger Dog, and we sadly don’t have bolillos most of the time. But, given the fact that these used to be sold exclusively by Mexican street vendors, I don’t doubt the Sonoran Hot Dog was the genesis of the idea.
I think what bothers me about the video is that the illegality permeates so much of his game. I used to like him before that. But that clip series is what used to constitute an entire season of “bullshit calls” for one player, and that’s just from 4 fucking games.
Ugh. Reading comprehension. I does not has it right now.
You probably could. The problem with Isaiah Thomas is that you can apparently call him for multiple carries on every possession.
Nah, man. That’s too far of a stretch.