
“California Supreme Basketball would like to congratulation”

Goddammit. I bought the Dorco deal last week that only came with 4 replacement blades, and it was only $1 cheaper.

Goddammit. I bought the Dorco deal last week that only came with 4 replacement blades, and it was only $1 cheaper.

So, we’re just not calling out Mike Cation on his patently fake name? Does he change his first name to “Vey” whn he’s checking into hotels?

Dude in the Pistons jacket squaring up to throw with Artest, and going down after a jab.

Some folks are sprinters, some run marathons, and this guy here was apparently in the Tour de France.

In this case, I don’t care. I just want people on his nuts to have their faces rubbed in his shit.

Maybe someone employed this family of websites could put one out to maybe show exactly what the people sucking at the teat of this “most-trusted news man” are trusting.

You’re a goddamned juice-faced liar, and you’re typing on a juice-stained keyboard and you know it.

Didn’t this shit already happen with those pocket bikes?

His career not only weathered those previous allegations, but they also weathered HIS COMPLETE FUCKING FABRICATION OF HIS WAR STORIES.


Mmmm... Yeah...

Lob, overhead.

Hernandez died doing what he loved...killing people.

Jeremy Clarkson clearly needs to add a corollary to include Mustang drivers.

Because being an executioner for the state tended to have unintended side effects for the executioners.

Doesn’t help that there used to be fewer than 10 publicly accessible clay courts in all the US.

In general, I think when guys peak because they have a dietary change, they generally flame out faster. I don’t have any data point for this lukewarm taek, but, I’m willing to believe me.

Ideally, Rafa and Djoker both overtake Fed. Rafa #1 all-time, Djoker #2, Fed #3 with all his discount titles as the expense of the Lleyton Hewitts and Tommy Hasses of the world.

Fucking HSAs. Biggest goddamn scam.