Anthony Grammich

I can’t help but think that the angry folks criticizing ESPN for giving Jenner the Arthur Ashe Award are the same ones who would have criticized ESPN for naming an award after Arthus Ashe in the first place.

The irony is that all the hate Caitlyn Jenner gets over this just shows how much courage it took to go public in the first place

Yeah that’s the part that gets me most. These people think that they’re standing up for and supporting the military, but instead what they’re doing is perverting it for their own fucked up beliefs.

Pretty shitty of people to use an amputee veteran as a thin veil for their transphobia

I don’t understand how anyone could not like watching this.

Playoff hockey is the best.

I’d pay extra for cable sports packages if it allowed viewers to hear what players - and managers/coaches - were saying.

I'd like to apologize to my neighbors for screaming like a five year old girl after he made that shot.

I describe Derrick Rose’s expression at the end as “satisfied cat.”

I didn’t hate it at all, but I think Batman Begins is a better movie.

The Passion of the Christ

So the rapist went #1 but no one will touch this guy with a ten foot pole because he gets sad and/or anxious sometimes?

I hope he lights teams the fuck up next year. Except the Bears.

Jesus, no. That’s the Tampa Bay jersey. While they are synonymous, they aren’t even spelled the same.

I don't think you know how slander works.

Hawk then spent the next inning and a half talking about his own fighting career, including the time in 1969 when he took on three Yankees by himself. Punched out Munson with a right uppercut, yessir.

My wife, who’s from the Baltics, tells me that Russians and other Eastern Europeans consider Canadians to be worthless drunks, with hockey fighting as Exhibit A. When Russians consider you to be drunks, you might have a problem.

And for the record, Edmonds’ catch is 1,000 times better because Hawk Harrelson is not involved.