Exactly what I was going to say. Particularly in light of dieselgate and the discussion about whether the fines and drop off in sales will hurt VWs job force. Imagine a Dart SRT-4 running the Golf R powertrain!
Exactly what I was going to say. Particularly in light of dieselgate and the discussion about whether the fines and drop off in sales will hurt VWs job force. Imagine a Dart SRT-4 running the Golf R powertrain!
The only thing that would look more appropriately out of place for that than lining up for the Mint in Nevada would be if you took that down to Baja for the 500 or 1000. Seeing a highlighter yellow refrigerator box 8 feet in the air against a backdrop of Mexican signs advertising Senor Frog’s and Papas and Beer would…
Beautiful car, looks gorgeous, all true enthusiasts need to own an Alfa at least once in their lives (haven’t pulled it off yet, but I hope to). But $18,500? CP all day long.
Dem approach and departure angles! With the right gearing that should be able to idle up a damn wall.
This post and all the other song comment posts. My morning has been made and soundtracked!
Clearly you need a more reliable daily driver. Is Freddy done with his latest 3000GT project? AWD, would make an excellent winter driver!
They aren’t that difficult to learn. The shifter in my wife’s F30 328i is the BMW version of that, and it didn’t take long to figure it out. Trying to rock it (fwd-rev-fwd-rev, etc.) out of a rutted icy parking spot was a little cumbersome, but I did it.
No, you’re way better than Leo. He just won a silly statue and award for having bear sex (no, not that bear sex, link DEFINITELY NSFW). You won COTD and got a $kaycog photo. Way more desirable.
Yep. More than half the Wranglers driven by oil bros up here have those projector lamps.
God dammit Torch you just get to do all the cool stuff! Awesome interview and great to get some insight into the thoughts and mind of J Mays. Very cool stuff!
“the finest Nova Scotia salmon-lined silken underpants”
“Most families can replace one car with an electric as long as the range is good for 50 to 75 miles on a cold day, depending on the urban area.”
Yeah, this has to be #COTD!
‘87-’88 (pre-MN12) models are still some of my favorites. Dug the MN12 Super Coupes also, but the ‘87-’88 do it for me.
Nothing wrong with a Ford Econoline so long as your rear porthole windows look like windmills! Seriously, good point that short trips create disproportionate impact from IC cars as opposed to EVs. The wrinkle is that most 2 car families don’t just have one car for local runabouts and the other for long trips. Both…
Even though he seems to find them ugly, give it 5 years and Tavarish will have a “why buy a new GT350 when you can get this Aston Martin DB11 with a Doge DeMurano special UNLIMITED MILEAGE warranty!!” article. 5 more years and he’ll do an Art of the Flip post, after Johnny Manziel has to sell his to pay his bail.
I’m sure that happens in a lot of places, but I’m pretty sure Portland is an outlier in that sense. It’s Portland fer crissakes! Seriously, though, valid point but it also makes my point. If EVs are legitimately and in serious volume replace IC cars, range and infrastructure will have to be beefed up so that the…
Two things need to be addressed before EVs will begin seriously displacing IC cars. First, range needs to be addressed, particularly at an acceptable pricepoint. Tesla has obviously made strides in this, and things like the Leaf and Bolt continue to improve, but until that range and price hit the right levels, it will…
Better times