Orangecar Blackheart

What should I buy?

So it’s Taco for you? Or is nobody actually going to get your money? 

Were you born yesterday?

If they find slugs in the engine, there are WAY bigger issues.

Hyundai? Proven reliability.

I’m surprised at how close the two beds are in length. I’d have thought - from pictures - that the Maverick’s bed was a good 6 inches or more longer than the Santa Cruz.

There used to be a public show years and years ago of a massage therapist walking you through the steps to give a table massage. It would be almost an hour long but I remember watching it and would get tingles anywhere the therapist was touching in any given moment. They had a calm voice like Bob Ross. I wonder if

Yep! We bought a house in September 2009 that was built in January 2008. There’s a house 9 houses west of us on the other side of the street that was blurred already when we bought the house. It was built before our house, and Google froze the street view at the time of the blurring, for anywhere within sight of that

Be aware: nothing draws attention like something blurred out. “There most be something interesting there, let’s go see in real life”

If you plan on selling your house at any point, this probably isn’t the world’s greatest idea. Being able to pull up houses on the various mapping programs has become a very real part of the process. 

It should be noted that once you complete this process for Google Maps, they will NOT undo it. EVER.
Whoever lives there after you will never be able to get it undone.
Many people have tried. Google can/will not undo it.

I’m right there with you. But more than that, I’m HORRIFIED that anyone thinks the mirrored TV image has ANYTHING to do with the footage being reversed. 😶

I’ve been on Jalopnik for its complete 15 year existence and this is in the running for the dumbest post I’ve ever seen on here.

I realize it’s a Friday before a holiday weekend, but are reviewing and debunking tiktok videos the new norm for Jalopnik?

I’m shocked that this is something people needed to figure out

They are getting a bunch of baloney, though.

This is obviously a comment from Reddit, but I find the lack of logic illuminating:

The whole concept that FSD is cheaper now if you pre-order it than it will be as the technology matures is bonkers. No other technology follows that path. Technology gets cheaper as it matures. 

Yeah, those disclaimers probably won’t hold up in court. I can put a sign up in my lawn that says I’m going to shoot anyone who steps foot on it, that doesn’t actually give me the legal authority to shoot anyone though.

But will it then disable the upgraded semi-autonomous functions? (I refuse to use the term s&^f-driving, since it’s a lie right now.)