Orangecar Blackheart

So, that guy’s crazy. Good to know the military paid for that. Patented doesn’t mean it’s not completely made up.

I’ve been working on the railroad
All the live-long day
I’ve been ignoring Adobe
Oh no Flash just went away!

Here, we’ll just install a knockoff
Why ever do things the right way?
Can’t you hear the captain shouting,
“China Number One!”

Kia in the 90s? More like Ford, today. My car has panel gaps enough to drive through, and other panels rub.

That regulated level of noise required is still very, very quiet. The exact standard varies by speed and allows some freedom in what the noise actually sounds like, but 43 dBA is quieter than the background noise almost anywhere outdoors that isn’t the middle of nowhere. Most cars also rev up and have starter noise,

Well, it looks like anything “better” for gamers isn’t coming anytime soon in 2021. The RTX 3080 is still by far the best top-end deal, as fast as any of the AMD and the one to get at $700 - $900.

3090 is not meant to compete with 3080 or “3080 Ti” though. The 3090 was always meant for those who need the 24 GB of VRAM and NVLINK support for those who want to buy two of them. Literally nobody else should buy it.

If a 3080 Ti with similar gaming performance and less RAM launches at similar >$1000 price point,

Honda is making a good move. My wife owns a 2016 CR-V that we despise solely due to the crap info-tainment, and we’ve honestly debated whether it’s worth selling or upgrading for that reason alone...
CarPlay isn’t perfect in my car, but it’s 100x better than any stock radio I’ve ever dealt with - and with the future

Did this seriously not get a single legitimate comment / nomination? I’m not even going to bother - I prefer 1440p/120Hz/HDR, but of course, most people are playing consoles on 1080p/60 or 4K/60/SDR TVs. Also, monitors like the ultra-wide in the thumbnail are unsupported on Xbox (and Alienware? really?), so your image

Did this seriously not get a single legitimate comment / nomination? I’m not even going to bother - I prefer

I’m glad this conversation is getting to the point where “I have no kids, and don’t want them” is acceptable in more circles. I won’t ever have kids, even though I love all of my friends’ kids.

My company is use-it-or-lose-it. We (like many of the larger corporations) had a mandatory USE DAYS NOW policy earlier in the year, for all employees, forcing us to take off a large percentage of those PTO days early in the year. My understanding was that this counted as “furlough” for COVID-relief purposes, and it

My first pair crackled and cut out often. They were a gift, but I had a receipt - and obviously they were under warranty since this is a brand new device.

I was able to have them replaced earlier this year (during the shut-down time that no Apple stores were open in my area) through a chat with Apple support.


Strongly recommend not doing this. I bought a house 5 years ago, and while shopping one of the homes was blurred on Google. We went ahead and looked - guy had 8 cameras on the house.

I have a special pair of really long tweezers for this use. Flamin Hot Cheeto dust stains like mad, and is impossible to wash off, and hurts a lot when you go to take out your contact lenses...

Thanks for this. Hearing conservation is a growing discipline, as we are realizing slowly how constant noise decreases quality of life and increases stress - which leads to its own hazards.

Not in terms of hearing loss, no. BC devices stimulate the hearing organs in much the same way as headphones or noise. You’re still literally hearing with your cochlea, just that the noise is conducted through bone rather than air.

She’s a freelancer, and she started the “Two Cents” blog here. I’d wager a bet she’s still writing these posts.

I hope these galley-list-things don’t become the norm here at Lifehacker. This is an awful format.

No. Data is DATA.

And this data says that just as many people are going to get sick and die today, tomorrow, and forever, if things don’t improve in many places in this country.

We “flattened the curve” - a start.
Another analogy: Our leaders managed to take their foot off the gas, but they are driving a Monster truck barreling through a crowd of 20,000 people every day - ~1000 of whom will die in the next few weeks, going just as fast as before, since apparently their brakes are out too.


You’re an idiot. Masks are still not useful, you know, the whole point of this post?