Orangecar Blackheart

Since when is a company Polo and jeans “Slobby dressing”?

The whole point of Netflix was to get all the shows and movies in one place. It was DVDs at first, then streaming was supposed to take that vast library and make it more easily accessible. Removing content is the exact opposite of this. I just want a literal Library for all video content sharing. Netflix should be

The more color, the better.

I’m guessing that this post is your “passive income stream” - no?

Holy crap... my AC just went out this week (3 years old) - I wasn’t aware this was a common issue. Great.

I own a “Competition Orange” 2.3 Mustang. I’d buy it again in a heartbeat. 

BOOO! You’re simply wrong. 

Dear lord that’s beautiful

It’s finished off with a new Deep Orange color—orange is an underrated color for cars, shamefully ruined by Lamborghinis but perfect for the little Fiesta ST

State College. Internship. Anything else is generally expensive, zero-value fluff

I’m 100% on board with this sentiment. Stop Buying Boring Colors.

There was some ad (Walmart maybe?) that showed parents just ordering new baby pacifiers every time the snot dropped one. DO THEY NOT HAVE A DISHWASHER?
I use mine to clean beer bottles and beer brewing equipment! Gotta skip the glass cleaner stuff though - I usually just toss in some OxyClean.

Learned this one the hard way last year... Hadn’t checked a bag in years, and took the earliest flight out of my normally sleepy airport. Huge line at the counter that day, and was 5 minutes too late - ended up on the 2nd flight, a few hundred dollars for “change fee” later...

It occurs to me now that I could have

Why would you post this! It was a great way to weed out those who were MENTALLY too young to be on Twitter!

These are fake samples. They aren’t real people, and don’t represent the real population.

Like with all “science”, Garbage In = Garbage Out. They didn’t even look at real rates, just ran quotes for a single 30 year old with a single 4 year old Accord in every county. Meaningless numbers.

YIKES. If the feedback from the Owner wasn’t in the app you used to review, and wasn’t “Please come back in, and let us try to change your mind - we can do better!” then there is no reason to even consider responding or deleting.

These conversations are always so refreshing. I haven’t ever wanted a kid but the amount of doubt other people give me when I say that has made me routinely question myself. I love my wife, I love my whole family - I just don’t want that responsibility. Call me selfish but I know myself better than you do, and I would

Completely misses the point. This is a good “teachable moment”.
There are dozens of WiFi channels - all on different non-interfering frequencies (“channels”). Most routers can automatically find the “cleanest” channel and use it - you can usually set that manually too, using the router’s interface.
It doesn’t matter if

Great, the solution isn’t “use less palm oil” it’s just “use less everything”