Don’t start an account.
Don’t start an account.
No no no no!!!
No no no no!!!
This is not a bad idea. This gives you a lot of flexibility down the road, and hedges against future tax changes too.
Do nothing... they fly over 1000 times a day. I’m more likely to die on my commute, for sure.
Uplights for your yard? Light pollution much?
Uplights for your yard? Light pollution much?
YIKES. The median balance on that chart is for people 55-64, and it looks like none of them has 2x their annual salary saved in a 401k/IRA? Let’s hope all these Boomers have their houses paid off and some crazy other non-401k investments - they’re gonna need to sell them to pay the medical bills at that rate...
Ok, so you don’t play mobile, PC, or Xbox... What IS good enough for you then, PS4? Switch? Atari? Get the hell out of here! You are whining about free games on a service that wasn’t even mentioned in this article!
You can actually safely skip any movie, ever, that’s how entertainment works. But you can especially skip these!
People keep clamoring for Apple to make noise-canceling AirPods, but honestly, low-tech noise isolation is way simpler, and probably works better too.
People keep clamoring for Apple to make noise-canceling AirPods, but honestly, low-tech noise isolation is way…
Whatever is cheapest! Usually that’s going to be Kirkland, the Costco brand. Ground.
Whatever is cheapest! Usually that’s going to be Kirkland, the Costco brand. Ground.
No, absolutely not. Maybe 1% of flights.
100% Overcast. Apple Carplay support is perfect (Pocket Casts has a lot of complaints there), the “Smart Speed” dynamic time and “Voice Boost” level compression settings are very flexible for all sorts of casts. I don’t need an app to tell me what to listen to - but it’s not like that feature doesn’t function at all…
I have that Samsung 4K display, and I would NOT recommend anyone buy it at that price.
I have that Samsung 4K display, and I would NOT recommend anyone buy it at that price.
You can’t write enough bad things about that blowhard. Please keep these articles coming.
This article (and car) moved me deeply, and in a language I didn’t even know I could understand. I need that car.
Orange > everything
Did you just block-quote yourself, one inch below the paragraph you were quoting??
I really wanted a bike in 2009. I was graduating college, and the symbolic and literal freedom of owning a vehicle was exciting. I had my heart set on the Buell Blast, when Harley killed it and released that truly evil advertisement where the “2010 model” was a crushed pile of metal. Nothing could be a bigger turn-off…
Nope! It’s much more musical. Mustangs get a MUCH less harsh version of the door tone. (I believe the F-150 do now too).
Oh, and it can be disabled by anyone with a FORScan device, fwiw...
Nostalgic dreaming...
Suzuki Anemoia...
This Is Jalopnik.