Orangecar Blackheart

Hmm... I’m not sure you got the right idea. Eclipses and moon phases aren’t the same thing, and Lunar eclipses only happen during full moons.

the only difference between the two is that the DUO includes three additional preset functions; egg maker, sterilizer, and yogurt maker.

the only difference between the two is that the DUO includes three additional preset functions; egg maker,

Good call on the NIOSH app. The app is designed to help understand how even moderate sound levels can quickly add up to cause permanent Noise-Induced Hearing Loss, but it’s a functional sound level meter as well.

Fortunately, setting levels “by ear” is perfectly fine for most people.

Our POTUS shames iconic American companies for trying to build factories where they can find good workers and avoid taxes - weird how that Tax Cut is working out. (Trump Brands are mostly imported?)

While he’s at it, why not blame the immigrants for trying to move here to find good jobs at American companies?

No, an HSA is not like a Roth IRA. It’s completely its own thing, and you would confuse yourself by pretending they’re the same.

How about PURPLE, keep the lei, put sea turtle decals on the back, and then flip it into a ditch just like my first high school girlfriend.

It’s only moderately better now that 80 of the 92 counties are ET, but 12 have stuck to CT. Personally I’d take EDT year round...

This is a really really bad way to look at things. It’s not a your-data-or-your-money decision because EVERY service collects your data now.

How? It takes 15 minutes to even get out of the store from most sections.

Those would have 50+ holes and be painted neon orange by the end of the day in my suburban neighborhood.

My MIL died riding. Maybe you’re tired because you know it’s fucking dumb.

Does it come with the right kind of rat poison or is that extra?

Does it come with the right kind of rat poison or is that extra?

Just wait. Soon you can rub “but it’s a hybrid” in their smug faces.

Makes sense. I brew beer, and CO2 buildup when opening the fermentation vessels has nearly knocked me out more than once. I would hope my face hitting the beer would be enough to wake me back up so I don’t someday drown in a truly embarrassing way.

Except, you know, right now, when you anonymously spout misogynistic bullshit on the internet. The fact that you notice it says more about you than it says about the film, and you should know that if you’re actually interested in gender equality.


Better way to win - delete that awful app.

That’s not how it works on the newer phones.... Holding down the “right” button only gets you to a “slide to power off” screen, and this doesn’t work if the phone is totally locked up somehow. To actually force the power off, you hold the right button and the home button until the screen blanks, about 5 seconds.

Girl Scouts. This is not even debatable.