Orangecar Blackheart

Ah yes, an oil diffuser for the car. So you get just the right amount of nasty oily grime on the inside of the windows and the surface of your dashboard.

Ah yes, an oil diffuser for the car. So you get just the right amount of nasty oily grime on the inside of the

Dear God... Microwaving a sponge has to be the nastiest and dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Washing them in the dishwasher, laundry, etc, is a gigantic waste of time too. If it smells, pitch it. Buy some more sponges.

Oh god, that stock photo brings back some fun memories. ALL of my outlets and covers were wrong or mismatched (white, beige, brown, cracked, or missing entirely....) when I bought my home - some were even painted over. That was one of the first DIY projects in the new house - and as a bonus I learned what each breaker

Pointless, the readout barely saves any time, and EVERY tape measure can measure from the front or back. That’s why the end hook moves - to give you the right zero for pushing or pulling measurements. And almost all tapes have the length of the case stamped right on them, so you just add that to your measurement...

Pointless, the readout barely saves any time, and EVERY tape measure can measure from the front or back. That’s why

People talk about how punctuality is important, and in some situations that may be true - but remember that being “late” is what you definite it to be - often being last to arrive is not a bad thing! Value your own time a little higher - you can make other people wait sometimes, I promise they’ll survive! (unless

My state has this. Stickers exist for this reason.

My state has this. Stickers exist for this reason.

AH, the good-ol’ Dutch Reach... How many times will Lifehacker / KINJA post about this? This makes three!

Already lots of bad reviews so I’ll pile on. They suck. They get stuck on my hands - DO NOT WEAR BOTH AT ONCE. They barely insulate, like, 2 seconds with a hot pan and you’re burning. They hold in heat too.

Already lots of bad reviews so I’ll pile on. They suck. They get stuck on my hands - DO NOT WEAR BOTH AT ONCE. They

They get stuck on my hands and barely work. There’s nothing fucking worse than having these stuck on your hands, barely insulating, and it heats up and OH SHIT! They’re slippery and how the fuck did you get stuck in oven mitts that are burning and you can’t remove them!

They get stuck on my hands and barely work. There’s nothing fucking worse than having these stuck on your hands,

I’d put him more as a Robert - hunting, sports, and other activities being far more important to him than ruling. Also, he won the throne, and now he won’t shut the hell up about it.

I love these comment sections. It’s like the internet’s version of the bridge watching people smack their heads on this issue every time a crash happens. Almost every month there’s a new video, and here come the Armchair Civil Engineers thinking they’ve got the answer!

I decided other aspects of my life were more important to me than spending the 100's of hours a month I spent on games, so I made a choice: I didn’t buy any of the newest gen consoles (since the 360). I decided to not ever buy a new GPU for my PC, so there’s no reason to get AAA PC games. I un-bookmarked gaming

This is insanely selfish. If you don’t play, don’t pretend. This is a great way to look like an asshole. What the hell is wrong with you.

Awful, awful month. As much as I like House of Cards, it’s the worst.


American’s go “on vacation.”

“Holidays” are only the days themselves. You can’t go “on” a Holiday in the US - and besides, more than half of Americans don’t ever take time off of work to travel (and paid-time-off like holidays are not mandatory).

This isn’t a very absorbent towel. However, it is quite large, light, and a very well made towel that won’t tear or unravel as badly as some of the “softer” towels. I use it for some less visible and “sharper” areas on my car (inside of doors and trunks, etc) but it needs a lot of wringing to get larger body panels

This isn’t a very absorbent towel. However, it is quite large, light, and a very well made towel that won’t tear or

We now have over 100 in my Midwestern suburb.

I’ve seen every possible mistake in the past year - wrong way, failing to yield on the entrance, switching lanes or not exiting from exit-only lanes, driving right through the landscaping in the middle, driving directly into a fountain in the middle, and coming to a dead

Doesn’t this have a lot more to do with “Which cars were more popular 15+ years ago, and less popular or more expensive to buy new now?” because if you sold 1M Expeditions a year in the 90s and then only 100k a year since, the older, over 200k vehicles will absolutely dominate the used market for that car. I’d prefer

There absolutely is a law that prevents murder. The fact that you think the METHOD of murder is the part that matters shows a complete ignorance of how the law functions.
I understand you’re just here to troll, but yes - these cars are all illegal, and their emissions are all dangerously high. Go tell the parents of an

Woo! Give me OTHER any day!