White Genocide is nonesense, and this professor decided to express that sentiment in the stupidest way possible
White Genocide is nonesense, and this professor decided to express that sentiment in the stupidest way possible
It’s things like this that reminds me that the far left and the far right are eerily similar. I remember my government professor once argued that the political spectrum could be drawn as a circle or a horseshoe, with the extreme positions meeting (or almost meeting).
That’s the thing, there’s no indicator that it’s satire. Not even a simple lol. I’m sure he did mean it as a joke but an early lesson of the internet is that tone is not easily inferred and you need to be VERY obvious as to your intent or the mob will decide it for you.
Based on the tweets and his response, can confirm that he’s a clueless academic dork. “White genocide” isn’t a thing, yes, but wishing for the mass killing of white people on Christmas is a bad look regardless of whatever satirical point he was going for.
So, let’s recap.
Professor: Posts on Twitter an intentionally inflammatory post that could be construed by the average person who (very likely) didn’t have prior knowledge of alternate meanings as a call/wish for an entire subgroup of people to be wiped off the face of the earth.
Commenters: It’s about white people so…
Fuck everyone involved in this story, including Ciccarelio. You’re not making some profound satirical statement about racism. You’re provoking trolls with dipshittery to draw attention to yourself.
I thought his whining over the “tepid free speech defense” was pretty sad. I don’t think that his constitutional rights have suffered any harm. He tossed a grenade, and now he’s upset by the response. With or without his own “tepid satire defense”, he was pretty blatantly trolling by saying something inflammatory…
I wonder what response he expected? I’m thinking maybe drunk tweet vs. well thought out social commentary.
Freeing up more tenure track positions at a private university adjacent to a major city? Yeah I’m all for it too.
The irony of this type of behavior is that it’s going to get Trump re-elected. That’s going to be super fun for everyone I guess.
Yep. It’s a troll tweet and the supposed satirical meaning is pretty damn unclear on first read. Sure, I fully agree that “white genocide” is not a real thing in the sense of how white supremacists use it. But, wishing for things for Christmas is. And a lot of people have been wishing for hateful white people to go…
I am concerned that we are defending this.
Idiot posts something idiotic, other idiots react to it idiotically. Got it.
If that was satire it was extremely poorly executed. Is white genocide a thing? Against all whites by non whites, I don’t think so. But by whites against other whites, yes it has happened ( Holocaust).
Everything he says is true. But it’s still not an ok thing to say you wish for “white genocide.” He trolled, and he got exactly the reaction he wanted.
Apparently we’re supposed to be outraged that people are outraged that a guy said something that, outside of some fairly specific context, is fairly outrage-inducing?
This is why people hate liberal intellectuals. I say this as a liberal intellectual.
Fuck this dumbass.
When did Trump change his Twitter handle?
I feel like the response to his statements was a pretty predictable outcome.