
You need to read the article about the viking burial. It wasn't saying the women were warriors at all.

If we're dealing with real life, we should address the proliferation of rocket launchers on America's streets.

Well, the point is that no hemorrhagic fever has ever gone into an airborne form before (aside from some weirdness with pigs). Certainly, there are situations where you can have large airborne Ebola particles (the example I heard was when you were removing someone's intubation tube). But its not like scientists are

Yeah, when 72% of the population is white you'll see those whites everywhere.

If he just "shut up and fucked you" he would be a rapist under this new law.

How about "Actor and Human Rights Activist Marries Defense Attorney for Mass Murderer Abdullah Senussi and Enron"? I mean, she seems quite accomplished but why is there such an obsession here with portraying her as "better" than him? It's like there's been this resentment at Clooney for years for what, not getting

That one... when she looks at you, you can see she's working things out.

I did that once in the mid-90s but ultimately gave up and made my own fake ID from Belize, which actually worked until I tried it at a liquor store with a book of international IDs behind the counter.

A lot of the difficulty is imagining what it evolved from - what was the initial step? Would a liquid methane environment provide the preconditions for spontaneous generation of living cells? I'm not arguing either way, I just think that it's something to think about.

PlaidNinja-san, I don't agree with that. Men are sexualized constantly in media. It's just that there isn't a movement pushing back on this (nor should there be). There are movies, commercials, and books every year that portray men in a way that is sexually pleasing to the typical female.

Don't you just hate it when Jezebel invades io9?

Yeah, I sort of read this article as:

People can't choose to whom they are attracted.

Why, they're all around you, everywhere! Throw a stone and you'll hit one!

what sort of butt-hurt man-child releases a private moment between two people for financial gain?

It's clear that the blonde MC does not want this tape released — and who could blame her?

Actually, you know what? I'll give you that one. Elysium was totally ridiculous. And it was craptastic left wing propaganda. It had better acting than Atlas Shrugged, but the world-building was equally bad. I take it back. We lefties have in fact had our own ludicrous agitprop movie.